Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
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Music of the Skalne Podhale Region.

A Manual for Learning Highlander Music

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  • Cat. no. 20868

  • ISBN ISSN: 978-83-224-5135-9


The textbook written by Krzysztof Trebunia-Tutka is the first so comprehensive a publication in Poland which focuses on highlander music. It consists of 3 volumes: “A Handful of Theory,” “Fingering Notation” and “Stave Notation,” as well as the recordings, which should be studied by those who want to explore the secrets of highlander music.

Krzysztof Trebunia-Tutka gathered songs transmitted from generation to generation by oral tradition, which were inherently impossible to notate. Thanks to that, a rich highlander tradition gains a new life. The textbook is suitable for beginners who just start their adventure with highlander music, people experienced in that kind of traditional music, as well as for the admirers of the highlander culture. What is particularly worthy of noticing is the original notation of melody – the so-called fingering notation – which is an attempt to notate the music by the fingering system and performance directions. The author straightforwardly explains the nuances of the highlander culture, delineates its history and the most important figures. The publication includes practical hints about fingering, holding the instrument and the bow, and the interpretation of the melody. The “score” is divided into 10 groups, and each song has its equivalent in fingering and stave notation. It is also a peculiar anthology of the most important and the most beautiful highlander melodies and tunes, often already forgotten or rarely performed.

Beautiful graphic design is a modern rendition of the framework of highlander tradition. The employment of high-quality linen and strands provides comfort while using the volumes – it is also a guarantee of durability. Similar to that of the tradition.




  • Language of edition: pol,
  • Number of pages: 88+340+300
  • Cover: hardcover
  • No. of edition: 1
  • Published: 2021
  • Type: books
  • Size: N4 vertical (235x305 mm)

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