Bohdan Pociej is a distinguished expert on the epoch during which Couperin, Rameau, Daquin, Clerambault and Marchand composed their works. The problems connected with the harpsichord, its timbre, style and interpretation of the work of Old French masters are examined on the par with the phenomena from the field of aesthetics, philosophy, history of art and culture. Erudition and the knowledge of the subject are enhanced by the writers full emotional and intellectual involvement.
- Cover Design: Janusz Bruchnalski
- Autor posłowia: Bohdan Pociej
- Introduction by: Bohdan Pociej
- Language of edition: pol
- Number of pages: 218
- Cover: softcover
- No. of edition: 1
- Published: 1968
- Type: books
- Size: B6 (120x166 mm)
Out of Print