Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
biuletyn informacji publicznej


Vesperae pro toto anno

a Canto, Basso, Due Violini, Due Clarini con Organo (parts)

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  • Cat. no. 10439


Fr. Eryk Brikner enjoyed high respect in the Order, his duties including responsibilities as an exorcist. Organists belonged to the best educated misicians in the Jasna Góra chapel and they often - as was the case with Brikner - composed. His output, albeit relatively modest in quantity, merits interest on account of its sound compositional technique and considerable melodic invention.

The present edition has been supported financially by the Ministry of Scientific Research and Information Technology

  • Series: Musica Claromontana
  • ISMN M-2740-0218-3
  • Language of edition: eng, pol
  • Language of text: lat
  • Number of pages: 236
  • Cover: softcover
  • No. of edition: 1
  • Published: 2005
  • Type: parts
  • Size: N4 vertical (235x305 mm)

Out of Print