Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
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per violino e pianoforte

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  • Cat. no. 8706

  • ISBN ISSN: 83-224-2681-X


''Partita'' for violin and piano was composed in response to a commission from Radio-France in 1980 for Konstanty Andrzej Kulka and Jerzy Marchwiński. The ''Partita'' is assumed to be a great stage work, presenting the whole wealth of possibilities resulting from the playing together of the violin and the piano. It is a cyclic form, without direct references to the Baroque partita. It consists of the following movements: Entree, Air, Mouvement, Recitatif, Air 2. The opening Entree is the most virtuosic and dramatic movement, while in the following movements the music gradually becomes more gentle to reach finally the state of the highest concentration in the last movement, Air 2. The motif of the descending second brings to mind the famous ''ewig'' from Gustav Mahler's ''Das Lied von der Erde''.

  • Series: Per Strumenti
  • Number of pages: 66
  • Cover: softcover
  • No. of edition: 1
  • Published: 1988
  • Type: solo part (instrumental) + accompaniment
  • Size: N4 vertical (235x305 mm)

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