Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
biuletyn informacji publicznej


Symphony No. 4

Countries of delivery:
  • Cat. no. 1891


The use of colouristic resources such as, for instance, layers of tremolandos and trills or quick ostinatos acting as dramatic factors is much more frequent in the Fourth Symphony than in the preceding one. The above tendency seems to indicate new directions in the composer's explorations which will soon result in a new quality in the works to come. But the real flavour of the symphony is to be found somewhere else. Being immersed, like its predecessor, in the rhetoric of bombastic, symphonic gestures (powerful climaxes), the symphony at the same time ''gives the listener a wink'': ''Look, I am making light of the traditional 'straitjacket' imposed on me''.

  • Type: score

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