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Krzysztof Baculewski was born on 26 December 1950 in Warsaw, polish composer. He studied composition with W. Rudziński at the Academy of Music in Warsaw (diploma 1974), complementary studies in composition in the years 1975-1976 in Paris with O. Messiaen. Studies in electroacoustic music took place with the Groupe de Recherches Musicales (supervised by P. Schaeffer). In the years 1977 to 1980 he taught at the Institute of Musicology at Warsaw University. In 1980 he received the degree of Doctor of Humanities at the University of Warsaw. Since 1973 he has worked as a journalist with “Ruch Muzyczny”, in addition to the periodical "Studio"and “Klasyka”. Since 1982 he is a lecturer at the Department of Composition, Conducting and Music Theory at the Music Academy in Warsaw, since 1998 as professor. Baculewski has won prizes in competitions for composers, including in 1985 - second prize and distinctions (first prize not awarded) in the Competition on the occasion of XXV-Anniversary of the Musical Spring Festival in Poznan for the Concerto for Orchestra and Concerto for Strings; in 1990 - the first prize in the Competition of the Warsaw Branch of the PCU for Antitheton I.
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