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Stefan Bolesław Poradowski, born 16 VIII 1902 Włocławek, died 9 VII 1967 Poznań, Polish composer, music theorist, conductor and pedagogue. He gained his musical education in the Winterfeld Konserwatorium in Bydgoszcz, and then in the years 1922–26 learned with H. Opieński (composition and music theory) in the Conservatory in Poznań; he also studied law and musicology at the University. In 1930 he became Professor of theory and composition and director of the chamber orchestra in the Poznań Conservatory. He lectured at the Municipal Conservatory of Music in Bydgoszcz (in the years 1935-1939), he conducted the Music Society chamber orchestra (in the years 1932 to 1939) and the Harmonia chorus in Poznań (years 1927-1939), he also conducted reviews. He spent the war years in Opatów. In 1945 he took the theory and composition classes at the PWSM in Poznań, he held a number of functions, including Vice-Rector, Dean and Chair of the Department of Composition and Music Theory. From 1955 to 1967 led the composition class at the PWSM in Wrocław. He collaborated with many musical institutions. As a recognized photographer he gained the title of Artist of the International Photographic Federation, was president of the Poznań branch of the Polish Union of Art Photographers and co-founder of the magazine „Świat Fotografii”. He received many state awards and composition prizes, including: the Polish Singers Alliance contest in Chicago (in 1926) and TWMP in Warsaw (in 1936, for the Second String Trio), city of Poznań artistic award (in 1947), Knight’s Cross of the Order Polonia Restituta (in 1964), the Ministry of Culture and Arts award, first degree (in 1966).
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