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Irena Garztecka, born 31 May, 1913 in Kiev, died 14 Novemeber, 1963 in Skarżysko-Kamienna, Polish composer. She trained as a pianist in the Warsaw Conservatory in M. Jacynowa’s class (Diploma 1941), and in 1940-1944 she studied singing with Ada Sari, in 1942, she began her composition studies with K. Sikorski, in the years 1947-1951 continued under his direction at the PWSM in Łódź. From 1949 she worked in Krakow, initially in PWM, and later as music editor in the Polish Radio Orchestra and Choir. She died in a car accident.
Garztecka’s compositions from the ‘50s are in a simple, clear style, with distinct features of classicism and frequent reference to folklore.
Garztecka’s compositions from the ‘50s are in a simple, clear style, with distinct features of classicism and frequent reference to folklore.
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