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Józef Brzowski, born November 22, 1805 (or 1803) in Warsaw, died 3 December, 1888 Warsaw, Polish composer, pedagogue, conductor, cellist and music journalist. He took his first music lessons from his brother-in-law, Karol Kurpiński, and from 1821 he studied harmony at the conservatory in Warsaw with W. Würfel and playing the cello with J. Wagner; he also became proficient in piano. In 1824 he was engaged as a cellist in the opera orchestra, from 1827 he also worked as repetiteur and assistant conductor in the ballet, and later also as conductor of ballet and melodrama. Around 1833 he resigned from work in the theatre to devote himself to composition. In the years 1836-1837 he undertook an artistic journey through Germany and France. Brzowski gained an opinion as a good pedagogue thanks to the successes gained by his daughter Jadwiga (Brzowska-Méjean). In 1857 he became a collaborator with "Ruch Muzyczny". In 1861 he took the position of Inspector in the Music Institute in Warsaw, and from 1866 he taught piano for singers. During this period he traveled several times to Brussels, where a few of his compositions were performed with great success (two Masses, a cantata, "Te Deum"). Brzowski’s Belgian success prompted him to write an opera about a hero of Flanders, J. von Artevelde, called „Ruvaert Flandrii czyli Piwowar z Gandawy”.
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