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Jerzy Bauer was born 12th of May 1936 in Łódź, died 11th of January 2025. In 1959 he received his diploma in music theory, in 1961 – in conducting, in 1966 – for composition which he studied with T. Kiesewetter in the Łódź PWSM. In the years 1969-70 he undertook supplementary studies with N. Boulanger in Paris. 1959-60 he worked at the PLM in Łódź, and since 1960 is associated with the PWSM in Łódź (now the Music Academy). In the years 1980 - 98 he served as Head of the Department of Composition, Music Theory and Eurhythmics, and from 2000 to the present day - the head of the Department of Music Theory, in 1990-1996, he was Dean of the Faculty of Composition, Theory, Music Education and Eurthythmics. In 1980 he received the Prime Minister's Award for his music for children and youths. In 1989-91 he served as Vice President of the Board of the Polish Composers’ Union. In 1980 he was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta.
He has received many awards in composition competitions: in 1970, received third prize at the Composers' Competition in Gdańsk for Reed Trio No. 1 for oboe, clarinet and bassoon (1964), in 1971 - distinction in the Grzegorz Fitelberg Composition Competition in Katowice for Aetatis Mediae Sculpturae for mixed choir, boys' choir and symphony orchestra (1970-71), in 1973 - distinction in the Karol Szymanowski Composition Competition in Katowice for Pulsacje Symfoniczne for large symphony orchestra, two electric guitars and organ (1973), in 1984 - second prize in the National Composition Competition in Białystok for Jubilate e la Danza Polacca for symphony orchestra (1984), in the same year - third prize at the National Composers' Competition in Łódź for the Three Ballads for guitar (1983), in 1985 - first prize at the National Composers' Competition in Kamien Pomorski for Accende Lumen Sensibus for organ (1985), in 1988 - a bronze medal during the XXXI Concours International de Guitare organized by Radio France in Paris for Barwy i Rytmy w Ruchu for guitar (1989), while in 1991 - first prize at the Wawrzyniec Żuławski National Competition in Warsaw for Malowanki Wiejskie for soprano (mezzosoprano) and piano (1991).

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