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Florian Dąbrowski born 2 May 1913 in Rosko, died 20 November 2002 in Poznań, Polish composer, pedagogue and musical animator. He studied at the Municipal Conservatory of Music in Bydgoszcz (1930-1939) with S.B. Poradowski (theory) and E. Rezler (piano). In 1948 he obtained a diploma in composition in S.B. Poradowski’s class at the PWSM in Poznań. In 1945 he organized the secondary music school in Bydgoszcz, and until 1951 he taught theoretical subjects there. He was a co-organizer of the State Philharmonic in Bydgoszcz.
In the years 1951-1954 he was Rector and Professor at the PWSM in Sopot, from 1954 he taught theory and composition at the PWSM in Poznań (in 1961-1964 he was Vice-Rector, from 1973 - Professor). He was an active unionist (including in 1969-1975 he was Vice President of the Board of the PCU). He was a co-founder and many time organiser and chairman of the repertoire committee of the Polish Contemporary Music Festival "Poznań Spring" and participated in the jury of many music competitions (including the H. Wieniawski Composition Competition in Poznań). He was a reviewer and music columnist for the musical magazines „Arkona”, „Gazeta Pomorska”, „Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny”, „Nowy Tor”, „Pomorze”, „Ziemia Pomorska”, „Słowo Powszechne”, „Pro Sinfornica” (sic.), „Nurt”, „Ruch Muzyczny”, and was a member of the editorial board of the publication series „Res Facta”. He received many musical awards, including in the PCU Composition Competition in 1947 for "Suite Kujawska" and in 1949 for the cantata „Odejście Fryderyka”, the Festival of North Polish Theatres in 1963 for his score to Wyspiański’s „Nocy Listopadowej”. Moreover, in the years 1967, 1975 and in 1980 he was awarded the Minister of Culture and Arts Award first degree (in 1980 - for outstanding educational achievements), and in 1979 - the PCU award for lifetime achievement and organizational-musical activities.
Dąbrowski's wife, Olga Iliwicka-Dąbrowska (1910-1980), a concert pianist and teacher, taught piano at the PWSM in Poznań from 1951 (from 1965 Head of the Piano Department). Florian Dąbrowski retired in 1983, but still taught at the Music Academy in Poznań. In 1998 he became Vice-President of the Henryk Wieniawski Musical Society in Poznań and chairman of the editorial committee of the "Collected Works of Henryk Wieniawski." For his creative works, his organisational work and pedagogical services Dąbrowski was honoured in 1998 with the Commander's Cross with Star of the Order of Polonia Restituta.
In the years 1951-1954 he was Rector and Professor at the PWSM in Sopot, from 1954 he taught theory and composition at the PWSM in Poznań (in 1961-1964 he was Vice-Rector, from 1973 - Professor). He was an active unionist (including in 1969-1975 he was Vice President of the Board of the PCU). He was a co-founder and many time organiser and chairman of the repertoire committee of the Polish Contemporary Music Festival "Poznań Spring" and participated in the jury of many music competitions (including the H. Wieniawski Composition Competition in Poznań). He was a reviewer and music columnist for the musical magazines „Arkona”, „Gazeta Pomorska”, „Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny”, „Nowy Tor”, „Pomorze”, „Ziemia Pomorska”, „Słowo Powszechne”, „Pro Sinfornica” (sic.), „Nurt”, „Ruch Muzyczny”, and was a member of the editorial board of the publication series „Res Facta”. He received many musical awards, including in the PCU Composition Competition in 1947 for "Suite Kujawska" and in 1949 for the cantata „Odejście Fryderyka”, the Festival of North Polish Theatres in 1963 for his score to Wyspiański’s „Nocy Listopadowej”. Moreover, in the years 1967, 1975 and in 1980 he was awarded the Minister of Culture and Arts Award first degree (in 1980 - for outstanding educational achievements), and in 1979 - the PCU award for lifetime achievement and organizational-musical activities.
Dąbrowski's wife, Olga Iliwicka-Dąbrowska (1910-1980), a concert pianist and teacher, taught piano at the PWSM in Poznań from 1951 (from 1965 Head of the Piano Department). Florian Dąbrowski retired in 1983, but still taught at the Music Academy in Poznań. In 1998 he became Vice-President of the Henryk Wieniawski Musical Society in Poznań and chairman of the editorial committee of the "Collected Works of Henryk Wieniawski." For his creative works, his organisational work and pedagogical services Dąbrowski was honoured in 1998 with the Commander's Cross with Star of the Order of Polonia Restituta.
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