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Janina Garścia, born in Cracow in 1920, was a music pedagogue and a composer. She graduated from the Władysław Żeleński School of Music in 1945 (piano under O. Stolfowa), where she was subsequently teaching over the period 1945-50. Garścia was concurrently studying composition and conducting, under S. Wiechowicz and A. Malawski respectively, at the State Higher School of Music in Cracow. She was teaching piano at the State Primary Music School in Cracow since 1951. Garścia was a winner of awards for her works for children, including the Gold Badge of Cracow in 1975 and the Medal of the National Education Committee in 1979. She was awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta in 1983.
Numerous compositions by Janina Garścia enriched music literature for children and gained a permanent position in the repertoire, mainly thanks to their educational benefits and interesting sound, which goes beyond the boundaries of major and minor. She was interested the most in piano and writing the pieces for initial education for that instrument. Garścia died in March 2004 in Cracow.
Administratorem dobrowolnie podanych danych osobowych jest Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne z siedzibą w Krakowie (31-111) przy Al. Krasińskiego 11A. Twoje dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w celu wysyłki Newslettera zawierającego informacje marketingowe administratora danych. Posiada Pani/Pan prawo dostępu do treści oraz poprawiania swoich danych osobowych. Informujemy, iż poza podmiotami uprawnionymi na podstawie przepisów prawa, zebrane dane osobowe nie będą udostępniane.