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Henryk Hubertus Jabłoński, born 3 November, 1915 in Gdańsk, died 11 October, 1989 in Gdańsk, Polish composer and pedagogue. He came from a wealthy Gdańsk family, who cultivated the tradition of amateur music-making and was initially taught violin and piano by immediate family members. In 1932 he studied at the Polish Conservatory of Music in Gdańsk with K. Wiłkomirski (‘cello, music theory). He complemented his composition studies with W. Schramm and A. Paetsch. From 1935 he worked with the radio in Gdańsk as ‘cellist and arranger of popular music. In 1945 the whole of his compositional output (over 200 pieces) was burned as a result of the war. In the first years after the war Jabłoński worked as a ‘cellist in the Gdańsk Symphony Orchestra. At the same time he directed the Gdańsk Politechnic students’ choir during 1948-1953 and in the years 1951-1954, the choir of the Gdańsk Shipbuilding College. From 1947, he collaborated with the Polish Radio Orchestra under the direction of S. Rachoń, for which he wrote popular and entertainment songs. In the ‘50s he also worked with the radio station in Gdańsk, arranging folk music, primarily from the area of Kashubia. From 1954-1980 he lectured in composition and orchestration at the PWSM in Gdańsk (now the Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music). He is the winner of many prizes and distinctions, including the Mayor of Gdańsk Award in 1975, and in 1980 the Minister of Culture and Arts Award.
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