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Was born on March 7, 1911 in Warsaw. He was a composer, publicist, music writer and critic, writer, journalist, and teacher. In 1927 he entered the State Conservatory of Music in Warsaw, where he received three diplomas: in theory (1934, under Kazimierz Sikorski), in composition (1937, also under K. Sikorski) and in pedagogical piano (1937, under Jerzy Lefeld). He also studied Polish literature and philosophy at Warsaw University and completed his composition studies in Paris, in the years 1938-39.
Kisielewski began composing in 1932, being also active in other fields. From 1935 to 1937 he was secretary the editorial staff of the bimonthly "Polish Music" and he contributed criticism to that journal. In 1939 he took the position of musical director of the Warsaw Broadcasting Station. During the German occupation he worked as an accompanist and music teacher. He lost the majority of his pre - war compositions during the Warsaw Insurrection. After the Second World War he settled in Kraków, being active as a composer, teacher and organizer. He lectured on harmony, counterpoint and instrumentation at the State Higher School of Music in Kraków in the years 1945-49. He was the initiator and first chief editor of the quarterly Ruch Muzyczny [Musical Movement] in the years 1945-48. Later , in 1957, when Ruch Muzyczny was reactivated, he belonged to its editorial staff until 1959. Since 1945 he cooperated with the weekly "Universal Weekly", specialising in journalism and music criticism. He had his column in this publication. In the years 1965-68 he was chief editor of the publication "Syncopation", issued by Art and Film Publishers.
Kisielewski has written a number of fiction books and crime stories, as well as essays and books on music, politics and literature. Among them are PWM's publication, such as With Music Through the Years - musical essays (PWM, 1957), Musical Constellation - composers' profiles, vol.1 (PWM, 1959, 4th ed. - 1982), Music Between Eras (PWM, 1956), Music and the Brain (PWM, 1974). He was awarded a number of prizes, such as, the First Prize at the Competition for a song to Mickiewicz's words (for Baktchysarai at Night for voice and piano - 1955), Second Prize at the Polish Music Festival ( for Concerto for Chamber Orchestra - 1955), Musical Award of the city of Kraków (1956), Musical Award of the Alfred Jurzykowski Foundation (New York, 1973), Andrzej Strug Award (Warsaw, 1979) and Award of the Polish Composers' Union for his composer's creative work, as well as writing on music (1982).

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