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Natanson Tadeusz, born 26 I 1927 Warsaw, died 10 XI 1990 Wrocław, Polish composer and pedagogue. He studied at the PWSM in Wrocław; from 1948 to 1952 in the faculty of pedagogy and from 1952 to 1956, composition under the direction of K. Wiłkomirski, P. Perkowski and S.B. Poradowski. 1957 to 1983 he taught at the Academy of Music in Wrocław, from 1977 as a professor. In 1972 he founded the Music Therapy Department, transformed in 1983 into an Institute, headed by himself as Director. In 1977 he received his doctorate from the PWSM in Warsaw for his thesis Muzykoterapia jako jedna z funkcji muzyki (Music Therapy As A Function Of Music). From 1983-1990 he was also associated with the Cieszyn campus of the Silesian University, where he led the Interdisciplinary Department of Music Therapy and the Institute of Musical Education. He also worked as an organizer of musical education in Wrocław and Lower Silesia, and additionaly he occupied criticism and music journalism. He has received many awards at national and international competitions for composers, including in Monaco in 1965 for the "Third Symphony" and 1970 for "Quo Vadis?" and in Laval in 1978 for the "Trio" for alto saxophone and two cellos.
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