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A year in Polish music in sixteen albums – ANAKLASIS celebrates its first birthday
The ANAKLASIS record label, created by PWM just one year ago (on 22 November 2019), already boasts sixteen albums, and it shows no signs of slowing down, with further releases announced.Krzysztof Herdzin’s 'Impressions on Paderewski' – a new release on ANAKLASIS
Paderewski was a great composer. Herdzin is a great improviser. The fusion of the worlds of these two musical giants has given rise to a new phenomenon, which we share with you today. On the 160th anniversary of the birth of Ignacy Jan Paderewski, it is time to prick up our ears to the most beautiful impressions on his music.Chopin and his Europe
The Chopin and His Europe Festival, which will be held between 15 and 29 August under the slogan: "Before the Great Competition. From Chopin to Scriabin", is a musical countdown to the 17th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition which starts on 1 October. The festival concerts will be filled with Polish music of the 19th century, which will be perfomed by the most outstanding artists.Polish Music Days
The primary objective of the project is to present Polish music - music of Szymanowski, Chopin, Lutosławski, Papara, Chyrzyński - abroad.Compositions by Ignacy Jan Paderewski in the Orchestral Materials Library (BMO)
This year the seventy year period of estate protection ended on the works of Ignacy Jan Paderewski.
Copyright © 2013 PWM

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