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Przybylski Bronisław Kazimierz, born 11 XII 1941 Łódź, died 4 IV 2011 Łódź, Polish composer. Graduate of the PWSM in Łódź, where he received diplomas in music theory (in 1964) and composition (in 1969); he continued his studies in 1975-77 with R. Haubenstock-Ramati at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Vienna. Since 1963 he had lectured at the PWSM (now the Academy of Music) in Łódź, since 1991 as chair of the composition department, from 1992 as Professor. He has won, among others awards: third prize (in 1972) and second Prize (in 1974, first was not awarded) at the G. Fitelberg Composition Competition in Katowice, II and III prizes (in 1972 and 1974) at the Composition Competition of the Polish Radio and Television in Warsaw, awards at the H. Wieniawski International Composition Competition in Poznań (1976), the Minister of National Defense’s Award, third degree (in 1973), the Minister of Culture and Art’s Award, first degree (in 1980) and the Prime Minister's Award (in 1981). In 1999 he received the Knight's Cross of the Order of the Polonia Restitua.
Chamber works and solo music dominate Przybylski’s output, in which the composer experiments with materials, texture and form, however his orchestral works are most significant.
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