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Poetry of Sounds and Moods (T. A. Zieliński, "Studio" No. 6/94, excerpt)
What do Chopin, Karłowicz, and Szymanowski have in common- composers who created the richest tradition in Polish music- but wrote in quite different styles? Obviously a certain quality of sound and expression, extremely refined and well structured, sensually attractive, fanciful in tone colors (almost picturesque), and full of deep expression. Especially this care and sensitivity in matters of timbre and sound reveals in our top composers: emotionalism and expression, often filled with melancholy, sadness, pain, but also love, joy, enchantment...This colorful and sensual strata of sounds and lyricism is perhaps the most characteristic spiritual attribute of Polish music. [...]
These characteristics are clearly visible in the music of the three above mentioned composers, as well as in some works by Andrzej Panufnik and Witold Lutosławski (especially of the last period). This attribute also reveals itself in the music of Marta Ptaszyńska with an intensity unlike in any other Polish contemporary composer. The author of Sonnets to Orpheus (1980) and Moon Flowers (1986) mesmerizes the listener by the tasteful beauty of sonorous sound textures and very deep emotional lyricism.
As in all of Marta Ptaszyńska's works, modernism and tradition are not the opposing forces. Rather, they intermingle and fuse in a very natural way. Her music is clearly immersed in the new sound aesthetics, but in some works one can find distant echoes of traditional forms... Employing the contemporary music language, close to the avantgardist approach, the composer is not afraid to introduce the melodic element in her music. Most important of all however, is that the author of Sonnets to Orpheus is continuing the aesthetic tradition of Polish music, creating a style in which one can find a spiritual relationship with our greatest composers: Chopin, Karłowicz, and Szymanowski.
Women Composers, Conductors and Musicians of the XX century (Jane Weiner LePage, Scarecrow Press, USA, 1983, vol. II, excerpt)
Ptaszyńska's music is unique; she has the uncanny ability to compose with a variety of musical possibilities and is committed to the individuality of the final product. Her versatility as a composer in a variety of forms includes orchestra, opera, chamber works, solo instruments , and music for children. her works are vastly admired for their overwhelming beauty that challenges the musical complacency of listeners...
Her music seeks new directions and inspired heights. She is a creative discoverer in the musical culture and such expertise is limitless. Ptaszyńska's compositions traverse a broad expressive range and provides the performer as well as the listener with a profound musical experience. The passing of time and the continued expression of her creative talents will eventually determine her final place on the roster of leading contemporary composers.

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