Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
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Piotr Radko

Piotr Radko


by alphabet by cathegories

Works from PWM catalogue


Introduction. Allegro barbaro

for Doublebass and Piano

Invocatio et Psalmus

for 2 Violins, 2 Violas and Cello (1983), ca 14'

Orchestral Works

Concertante Music in Three Movements

(1986), ca 20'
Instrumentation: 3222-2220-batt cel


for Symphony Orchestra (1984), ca 18'
Instrumentation: 4434-6442-batt-archi

Concertante Music in Three Movements

(1986), ca 20'
Instrumentation: 3222-2220-batt cel

Introduction. Allegro barbaro

for Doublebass and Piano

Invocatio et Psalmus

for 2 Violins, 2 Violas and Cello (1983), ca 14'


for Symphony Orchestra (1984), ca 18'
Instrumentation: 4434-6442-batt-archi