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Paweł Szymański, born 28 III 1954 in Warsaw, Polish composer. After graduating from K. Piwkowski’s bassoon class in the Karol Szymanowski State Music Liceum in Warsaw he studied composition (1973–78) at the F. Chopin PWSM in Warsaw under the direction of W. Kotoński and T. Baird (1978). In 1984-85, with a G. v. Herder scholarship, he continued his studies in Vienna under the direction of R. Haubenstock-Ramati. He was a member of an early music group as a performer on the recorder, in 1976 he took part in the International Summer Academy of Early Music in Innsbruck, in 1978, 1980 and 1982 he was a participant in the International Summer Courses for New Music in Darmstadt. In the years 1979 to 1981 he worked with the Experimental Studio of Polish Radio, in the years 1982-1984 with the Independent Electroacoustic Music Studio, which he co-founded, in 1983 with the Electronic Music Studio at the Music Academy in Kraków in 1987-1988 as a DAAD scholar (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst ) in West Berlin with the electronic studio at the Technische Universität. From 1982 to 1987 he lectured in the Faculty of Composition, Theory and Conducting at the Music Academy in Warsaw. In the years 1989 to 1999 he was a member of the Board of the PCU, Vice-President in the years 1991-1994 and 1997-1999; a member of the Warsaw Autumn Festival Programme Committee in 1987, 1989-1998. Together with R. Augustin, S. Krupowicz and L. Zielinska he founded the Brevis music publishing company in 1990; in 1997 with K. Knittel, S. Krupowicz and J. Patkowski he initiated the creation of the Warsaw Autumn Friends’ Foundation.
He is a laureat of: 1979 first prize in the Youth Competition of the Polish Composers’ Union for the piece "Gloria", which in 1981 received fourth place in the category of young composers at the UNESCO International Rostrum of Composers in Paris, in 1985 a prize in the Sacred Music Composition Competition of the International Bach Academy in Stuttgart for "Lux Aeterna", in 1988 first prize (ex aequo with B. Mason) in the B. Britten Composition Competition in Aldeburgh for the piece "Partita III", in 1994 "Miserere" found itself in a group of works recommended by the UNESCO International Tribune of Composers in Paris, in 1995 he received the first prize in the Competition of the International Foundation for Polish Music for his motet "In Paradisum", in 1993, the annual award of the PCU, in 1995 the Wielka Fundacji Kultury Prize in Warsaw. Many of Szymański’s pieces are written to commission from Polish and foreign institutions, festivals and ensembles. Chester Music in London has published a series of works by Szymański, some are published by the Authors' Agency Warsaw, PWM Kraków, Brevis Poznań, Moeck Celle.
He is a laureat of: 1979 first prize in the Youth Competition of the Polish Composers’ Union for the piece "Gloria", which in 1981 received fourth place in the category of young composers at the UNESCO International Rostrum of Composers in Paris, in 1985 a prize in the Sacred Music Composition Competition of the International Bach Academy in Stuttgart for "Lux Aeterna", in 1988 first prize (ex aequo with B. Mason) in the B. Britten Composition Competition in Aldeburgh for the piece "Partita III", in 1994 "Miserere" found itself in a group of works recommended by the UNESCO International Tribune of Composers in Paris, in 1995 he received the first prize in the Competition of the International Foundation for Polish Music for his motet "In Paradisum", in 1993, the annual award of the PCU, in 1995 the Wielka Fundacji Kultury Prize in Warsaw. Many of Szymański’s pieces are written to commission from Polish and foreign institutions, festivals and ensembles. Chester Music in London has published a series of works by Szymański, some are published by the Authors' Agency Warsaw, PWM Kraków, Brevis Poznań, Moeck Celle.
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