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Song Master Class: online lessons with Tomasz Konieczny and Lech Napierała
The songs of Stanisław Moniuszko and Romuald Twardowski are widely known and appreciated both by the public and the musical world. But what if we could get to know these pieces from the inside out? Two world-class musicians invite you to a unique master class experience – delivered straight to your doorstep! The acclaimed bass-baritone Tomasz Konieczny and the ingenious pianist Lech Napierała will be the guides to those who are curious about the most beautiful Polish songs. The online Song Master Class program is launching now.85th Birthday Anniversary of Romuald Twardowski
On 17 June, the Warsaw branch of PWM Edition hosted a jubilee concert organised on the 85th anniversary of Romuald Twardowski's birth. The programme comprised the music from various periods of his artistic work. The concert was supervised by Alicja Twardowska.A Few Questions to Romuald Twardowski
Today, on June 17th, Romuald Twardowski celebrates 85th birthday. On this occasion we asked him several common and uncommon questions.85th Birthday of Romuald Twardowski
17 June will be the 85th birthday of Romuald Twardowski, composer, teacher and author of orchestral, choral and theatre music. His work, encompassing almost all genres, is a boundless source of varied repertoire: from religious music, through song cycles to great orchestra forms."Naked Prince" ballet by Romuald Twardowski in Lublin
In 2015 we will celebrate the 85th birthday of Romuald Twardowski. Next to many concerts of choral music composed by Twardowski, the events planned on the occasion include concerts of instrumental music. One of them will take place in March in Lublin.Anniversaries of 2015
Birthday anniversaries are a good reason to bring the audience nearer to music of the composers of XX and XXI century."Elogium - pomordowanym w Katyniu" and "Canticum canticorum" in Kiev
The evening concert on 21 October 2011 at the National Philharmonic of Ukraine in Kiev was filled with sacred works by Polish composers: Paweł Lukaszewski, Romuald Twardowski, Stanisław Moryto, Marek Jasiński and Andrzej Panufnik.
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