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Zenon Schubert was born on 14 May 1934 in Grudziądz. Polish composer, organist and pedagogue. He completed his studies at the PWSM in Poznan with a degree in composition under S. Poradowski (1965) and organ with J. Pawlak (1967). He led pedagogical activities in music schools in Poznan, in the years 1971 to 1989 in the position of Director. Among other positions, he undertook the function of President of the Wielkopolska Stowarzyszenia Ognisk Artystycznych (Wielkopolska Association of Artistic Classes), the Secretary of the board of the Poznan branch of PCU, and Inspector of artistic schools. He worked as a journalist in the Poznan newspapers and radio. He received numerous awards and distinctions including: the Golden Cross of Merit (1979), Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta (1988). Schubert’s rich and numerous compositional output includes a number of orchestral, vocal-instrumental, chamber, solo and choral works.
Janina Tatarsta
Janina Tatarsta
Copyright © 2013 PWM

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