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Ewa Fabiańska-Jelińska studied composition in Torun’s school of music from an early age. Following graduation with honors from the Paderewski Academy of Music, Poznań, Poland (Prof. Z. Kozub's composition class), in 2014 E. Fabiańska-Jelińska completed postgraduate composition studies at Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Vienna under the guidance of Prof. R. Karger. She achieved her PhD in composition at the Paderewski Academy of Music, Poznań, Poland (2016) and in 2023, she holds the habilitation degree.
The artist has won numerously national and international competitions for composers, including International Composers Competition at the Oklahoma City University (Oklahoma City, United States, 2010), the European Young Composers Competition Gramodeska (Prague, Czech Republic 2011), the Ochlewski Nationwide Composition Contest organised by the PWM Edition (Cracow, Poland 2011, 2015), Marathon V-Festival for young contemporary music (Vienna, Austria, 2013), the Mycielski Nationwide Composition Contest staged by the Polish Composers Union (Warsaw, Poland 2013, 2014), XIV. International Forum Music of Youth (Kiev, 2016), Special Prize European Piano Bridge during International Composers Competition Artistes en Herbe in Luxembourg (2017), First Accordion Composition Competition FIDELIO (Madrid, Spain 2017), 4th Opus Dissonus Composition Competition (Brazil, 2018), International Composers Competition KALEIDOSCOPE (Los Angeles, United States, 2019), International Composers Competition Subtle Cheetah (New York, United States, 2019), International Composition Competition NEW VISION (New York, United States, 2020), International Call for Score Musica Prospettiva (Italy, 2020-2021),IX International Piano Competition Smederevo (Serbia, 2022), Classic Pure Vienna International Music Competition (Vienna, 2022) and Gold Medal during the Muzyczne Orły International Competition (Poland, 2023).
She has been awarded many scholarships by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage (2012, 2020, 2024), the Minister of Science and Higher Education (Scholarship for outstanding young scientists, 2017-2020) or ZAiKS creative scholarships, to name only a few.
Her works are performed very often in Poland and abroad during prestigious international festivals and concerts of contemporary music in Europe (Austria, Belgium, France, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Ireland, Luxembourg, Germany, Italy, Norway, Majorca, Slovenia, Sweden, Ukraine, Iceland), in Asia (Indonesia, Iran, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam) and the United States (New York, Oklahoma City, Nowy Meksyk, Kansas, New Jersey).
In spring 2016, during the International Music Days in Tongyeong, South Korea, held under the auspices of the International Society for Contemporary Music her piece for brass quintet entitled Three Polish Dances has been performed. Ewa Fabiańska-Jelińska was one of the youngest participants of this prestigious festival.
In 2018, her piece Meditation III was selected from over 1,000 compositions to be performed as part of the SCI Conference at the University of New Mexico (United States).
In recent years, compositions by Ewa Fabiańska-Jelińska have been presented, among others during the following international concerts and festivals: Poznań Musical Spring, LOOP 11 in Belgium, Eesti Muusika Päevad in Estonia, Tehran Contemporary Music Festival in Iran, the International Clarinet Festival ClarinetFest in the United States or Word and music on exile and asylum at the Berlin Philharmonic.
In 2017/2018 Ewa Fabiańska-Jelińska was Composer-in-Residence of the Feliks Nowowiejski Music Society and two-time winner of Program 'Music of Our Time' organized by The Krzysztof Penderecki European Centre for Music.
Her compositions have been performed for example by TrombQuartet, Duo Wolańska/Gajda, Sepia Ensemble, Silesian Quartet, NeoQuartet, NFM Choir National Forum of Music, Orchestra of Poznań Philharmonic, Amadeus Polish Radio Chamber Orchestra, Świętokrzyska Philharmonic Orchestra, Toruń Symphony Orchestra, Cappella Gedanensis, Baltic Neopolis Orchestra, Prague Modern (Czech Republic), the New Mexico Contemporary Ensemble (United States), Subtle Cheetah (United States); as well as outstanding conductors (Łukasz Borowicz, Szymon Bywalec, Jakub Chrenowicz, Rafał Kłoczko, Katarzyna Tomala-Jedynak, Monika Wolińska, Agnieszka Franków-Żelazny, Adam Domurat).
Ewa Fabiańska-Jelińska’s works are published by PWM Edition, DUX, Acte Prélable and Norsk Musikforlag (Norway). In 2021, the first monographic album by composer Ewa Fabiańska-Jelińska. Chamber Music was released, published by DUX Recordings.
The artist, who received the honorary badge Merit for Polish Culture (2021), is a member of the Polish Society of Contemporary Music and the Polish Composers Union. She works at the Ignacy Jan Paderewski Academy of Music (Poznań, Poland) as an assistant professor.

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