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Works from PWM catalogue
Film Music
Suite form the film "Dark, Almost Night"
for orchestra (2019), ca 19'Instrumentation: 2 Rec[ARec/BRec] Rec[ARec/BRec] 1 1 2[1.CBsn] — 2 1 2 1 — Timp Perc Pno[UprPno/ToyPno] Synth Acc — Strings more
Premiere: Cracow, Film Music Festival, 26.05.2022
Performers: Cracow Philharmonic Orchestra, dir. Jan Stokłosa
Electronic Music
Laterna. La fonte della luce.
for Chamber Ensemble and Electronics (2008), ca 16'Instrumentation: 0 0 1[BCl] 0 — 0 0 0 0 — Perc Elec Pno — Vlc
for saxophone, band and tape (2021), ca 25'Instrumentation: solo: Alto Saxophone[Soprano Saxophone] - orkiestra I: Strings(6 5/4/2/2) - orkiestra II: Strings(6 5/4/2/2) 5ASax[SSax] — Timp 9Perc Pno Harp Acc more
Premiere: Katowice, 03.10.2021
Performers: The Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra, dir. F. Ollu
for piano, percussion, electric guitar, clarinet, violoncello and double bassNibiru - La revoluzione della terra sconosciuta
for Chamber Ensemble (2009), ca 7'Instrumentation: 0010-0000-2Perc Pno ElGtr-Vlc DB
Some Drops
for double-bell trumpet and chamber ensemble (2016), ca 24'Instrumentation: solo: Double-Bell Trumpet 1[AFl]1[Pno]1[BCl]1 - 1[dblBlHn/Tpt]012Euph 0 - Perc Pno[Synth] - 2Vln Vla Vlc DB more
Premiere: Kraków, Sacrum profanum Festival, 2.10.2022
Performers: Ensemble musikFabrik, Marco Blaaw - trumpet
Dedication: Marco Blaauw
Order: Sacrum Profanum 2016
For Chamber Orchestra
Blind Walk
for chamber ensemble (2015), ca 22'Instrumentation: 1 1 1[BCl] 1 — 1[DblBlHn] 1[DblBlTpt] 1[DblBlTrbn] 1[DblBlEuph] — 2Perc — Strings
Laterna. La fonte della luce.
for Chamber Ensemble and Electronics (2008), ca 16'Instrumentation: 0 0 1[BCl] 0 — 0 0 0 0 — Perc Elec Pno — Vlc
Nibiru - La revoluzione della terra sconosciuta
for Chamber Ensemble (2009), ca 7'Instrumentation: 0010-0000-2Perc Pno ElGtr-Vlc DB
Some Drops
for double-bell trumpet and chamber ensemble (2016), ca 24'Instrumentation: solo: Double-Bell Trumpet 1[AFl]1[Pno]1[BCl]1 - 1[dblBlHn/Tpt]012Euph 0 - Perc Pno[Synth] - 2Vln Vla Vlc DB more
Premiere: Kraków, Sacrum profanum Festival, 2.10.2022
Performers: Ensemble musikFabrik, Marco Blaaw - trumpet
Dedication: Marco Blaauw
Order: Sacrum Profanum 2016
for mezzosoprano and orchestra (2018), ca 24'Instrumentation: solo: MS 1[AFl]110 - 0010 - 3Perc [I: Timp, Music Box, Flexible PCV Pipe, Wood Chimes, Rainstick, 2Congas, Bongo, Bow; II Flex, Crot, Vib, Wood Chimes, Rainstick, Drop Devils, BDr, Bow; III Glsp, Music Box, Steel Dr, Singing Bowl, Timp, Flexible PCV Pipe, Drop Devils, Egg Shaker, Shaker, Ratchet (or WdBlck), Tamt, BDr, Bow] Pno Synth Acc HurdyGurdy - 2Vln Vla Vlc more
Premiere: Cologne (Germany), 28.11.2018
Performers: E-MEX Ensemble, cond. Christoph Maria Wagner, Agata Zubel (S)
For solo and orchestra
A due
for Fender Rhodes and string orchestra (2017), ca 15'Instrumentation: pf el. solo-0000-0000-achi ( more
for saxophone, band and tape (2021), ca 25'Instrumentation: solo: Alto Saxophone[Soprano Saxophone] - orkiestra I: Strings(6 5/4/2/2) - orkiestra II: Strings(6 5/4/2/2) 5ASax[SSax] — Timp 9Perc Pno Harp Acc more
Premiere: Katowice, 03.10.2021
Performers: The Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra, dir. F. Ollu
Some Drops
for double-bell trumpet and chamber ensemble (2016), ca 24'Instrumentation: solo: Double-Bell Trumpet 1[AFl]1[Pno]1[BCl]1 - 1[dblBlHn/Tpt]012Euph 0 - Perc Pno[Synth] - 2Vln Vla Vlc DB more
Premiere: Kraków, Sacrum profanum Festival, 2.10.2022
Performers: Ensemble musikFabrik, Marco Blaaw - trumpet
Dedication: Marco Blaauw
Order: Sacrum Profanum 2016
Orchestral Works
Suite form the film "Dark, Almost Night"
for orchestra (2019), ca 19'Instrumentation: 2 Rec[ARec/BRec] Rec[ARec/BRec] 1 1 2[1.CBsn] — 2 1 2 1 — Timp Perc Pno[UprPno/ToyPno] Synth Acc — Strings more
Premiere: Cracow, Film Music Festival, 26.05.2022
Performers: Cracow Philharmonic Orchestra, dir. Jan Stokłosa
for mezzosoprano and orchestra (2018), ca 24'Instrumentation: solo: MS 1[AFl]110 - 0010 - 3Perc [I: Timp, Music Box, Flexible PCV Pipe, Wood Chimes, Rainstick, 2Congas, Bongo, Bow; II Flex, Crot, Vib, Wood Chimes, Rainstick, Drop Devils, BDr, Bow; III Glsp, Music Box, Steel Dr, Singing Bowl, Timp, Flexible PCV Pipe, Drop Devils, Egg Shaker, Shaker, Ratchet (or WdBlck), Tamt, BDr, Bow] Pno Synth Acc HurdyGurdy - 2Vln Vla Vlc more
Premiere: Cologne (Germany), 28.11.2018
Performers: E-MEX Ensemble, cond. Christoph Maria Wagner, Agata Zubel (S)
A due
for Fender Rhodes and string orchestra (2017), ca 15'Instrumentation: pf el. solo-0000-0000-achi ( more
Blind Walk
for chamber ensemble (2015), ca 22'Instrumentation: 1 1 1[BCl] 1 — 1[DblBlHn] 1[DblBlTpt] 1[DblBlTrbn] 1[DblBlEuph] — 2Perc — Strings
for piano, percussion, electric guitar, clarinet, violoncello and double bassLaterna. La fonte della luce.
for Chamber Ensemble and Electronics (2008), ca 16'Instrumentation: 0 0 1[BCl] 0 — 0 0 0 0 — Perc Elec Pno — Vlc
for saxophone, band and tape (2021), ca 25'Instrumentation: solo: Alto Saxophone[Soprano Saxophone] - orkiestra I: Strings(6 5/4/2/2) - orkiestra II: Strings(6 5/4/2/2) 5ASax[SSax] — Timp 9Perc Pno Harp Acc more
Premiere: Katowice, 03.10.2021
Performers: The Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra, dir. F. Ollu
Nibiru - La revoluzione della terra sconosciuta
for Chamber Ensemble (2009), ca 7'Instrumentation: 0010-0000-2Perc Pno ElGtr-Vlc DB
Some Drops
for double-bell trumpet and chamber ensemble (2016), ca 24'Instrumentation: solo: Double-Bell Trumpet 1[AFl]1[Pno]1[BCl]1 - 1[dblBlHn/Tpt]012Euph 0 - Perc Pno[Synth] - 2Vln Vla Vlc DB more
Premiere: Kraków, Sacrum profanum Festival, 2.10.2022
Performers: Ensemble musikFabrik, Marco Blaaw - trumpet
Dedication: Marco Blaauw
Order: Sacrum Profanum 2016
Suite form the film "Dark, Almost Night"
for orchestra (2019), ca 19'Instrumentation: 2 Rec[ARec/BRec] Rec[ARec/BRec] 1 1 2[1.CBsn] — 2 1 2 1 — Timp Perc Pno[UprPno/ToyPno] Synth Acc — Strings more
Premiere: Cracow, Film Music Festival, 26.05.2022
Performers: Cracow Philharmonic Orchestra, dir. Jan Stokłosa
for mezzosoprano and orchestra (2018), ca 24'Instrumentation: solo: MS 1[AFl]110 - 0010 - 3Perc [I: Timp, Music Box, Flexible PCV Pipe, Wood Chimes, Rainstick, 2Congas, Bongo, Bow; II Flex, Crot, Vib, Wood Chimes, Rainstick, Drop Devils, BDr, Bow; III Glsp, Music Box, Steel Dr, Singing Bowl, Timp, Flexible PCV Pipe, Drop Devils, Egg Shaker, Shaker, Ratchet (or WdBlck), Tamt, BDr, Bow] Pno Synth Acc HurdyGurdy - 2Vln Vla Vlc more
Premiere: Cologne (Germany), 28.11.2018
Performers: E-MEX Ensemble, cond. Christoph Maria Wagner, Agata Zubel (S)
Copyright © 2013 PWM

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