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Zbigniew Rudziński, born 23 X 1935 Czechowice, near Warsaw (now Warsaw), Polish composer and pedagogue. In the years 1949 to 1955 he studied piano with T. Dąbrowska in the PŚSM in Warsaw, from 1952 to 1953, English Philology at Warsaw University, in the years 1956 to 1962 composition with P. Perkowski at the PWSM (now the Academy of Music) in Warsaw (Diploma with distinction ), in 1965-1966 under N. Boulanger with a French government scholarship, and in the years 1970 to 1971, in Bilthoven, with a Dutch government scholarship.
In 1973 he began teaching at the Music Academy in Warsaw, leading classes in composition, orchestration and modern compositional techniques. He is currently Professor of composition. From 1962-1968 he was Head Music Editor of Documentary Film Studio in Warsaw. He taught in the Sibelius Academy of Music in Helsinki (1987), Royal Academy of Music in London (1990) and at universities; in Keimyung University in Daegu (in 1993, in 1996, and 2001-2003), in Seoul and Suwon in South Korea.
He has been a member of the jury in music competitions, including in 1983 in an international competition for performers in Geneva. He has lectured at courses, workshops and seminars for composers, including in 1975 at the International Seminar in Ohrid (Macedonia), in 1978, the Summer Courses for young composers in Olsztyn, in 1979 at the International Summer Courses for Young Composers, organized by the Polish Society for Contemporary Music in Kazimierz on the Vistula. From 1983-1989 he was director of workshops for composers in the Internationales Jugend Festspieltreffen in Bayreuth. In the '60s, with T. Sikorski, Z. Krauze, J. Patkowski and J. Tilbury he founded the Warsztat Muzyczny, then the Ad Novum ensemble with T. Sikorski to promote the work of composers representing the avant-garde. From 1981 to 1982 he was president of the Warsaw branch of PCU, from 1985 to 1986, Secretary General of the PCU. In 1980, the chair of composition, in the years 1980 to 1984 Vice-Rector for artistic and foreign affairs at the Music Academy in Warsaw. In 1960 he received the prize at the Composition Competition on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the PWSM in Warsaw for Sonata for two string quartets, piano and timpani; in 1962 the award at the V Competition for Young Composers for Epigramy, in 1979 and 1985 the Minister of Culture and Art’s Award; in 1986 the Prime Minister’s Award; in 1988 the Neues Musiktheater Werkstatt in Berlin prize for the opera Manekiny; in 1991, PCU award. In 1975 he was awarded the Silver Cross of Merit. Rudziński’s main publishers are: PWM, Schott, Moeck, Edition Modern and Agencja Autorska
In 1973 he began teaching at the Music Academy in Warsaw, leading classes in composition, orchestration and modern compositional techniques. He is currently Professor of composition. From 1962-1968 he was Head Music Editor of Documentary Film Studio in Warsaw. He taught in the Sibelius Academy of Music in Helsinki (1987), Royal Academy of Music in London (1990) and at universities; in Keimyung University in Daegu (in 1993, in 1996, and 2001-2003), in Seoul and Suwon in South Korea.
He has been a member of the jury in music competitions, including in 1983 in an international competition for performers in Geneva. He has lectured at courses, workshops and seminars for composers, including in 1975 at the International Seminar in Ohrid (Macedonia), in 1978, the Summer Courses for young composers in Olsztyn, in 1979 at the International Summer Courses for Young Composers, organized by the Polish Society for Contemporary Music in Kazimierz on the Vistula. From 1983-1989 he was director of workshops for composers in the Internationales Jugend Festspieltreffen in Bayreuth. In the '60s, with T. Sikorski, Z. Krauze, J. Patkowski and J. Tilbury he founded the Warsztat Muzyczny, then the Ad Novum ensemble with T. Sikorski to promote the work of composers representing the avant-garde. From 1981 to 1982 he was president of the Warsaw branch of PCU, from 1985 to 1986, Secretary General of the PCU. In 1980, the chair of composition, in the years 1980 to 1984 Vice-Rector for artistic and foreign affairs at the Music Academy in Warsaw. In 1960 he received the prize at the Composition Competition on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the PWSM in Warsaw for Sonata for two string quartets, piano and timpani; in 1962 the award at the V Competition for Young Composers for Epigramy, in 1979 and 1985 the Minister of Culture and Art’s Award; in 1986 the Prime Minister’s Award; in 1988 the Neues Musiktheater Werkstatt in Berlin prize for the opera Manekiny; in 1991, PCU award. In 1975 he was awarded the Silver Cross of Merit. Rudziński’s main publishers are: PWM, Schott, Moeck, Edition Modern and Agencja Autorska
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