Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
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for Microtonal Harpsichord and Chamber Ensemble

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In relation to Ładnienia, Klave is a sister work. Mykietyn used many analgical methods here, and the aura of the music of both pieces show considerable similarity. Unusual and unique here is displaying the harpsichord as a microtonal instrument. Quarter tone nuances break through the universal way of hearing the instrument, simultaneously arousing subtle anxiety caused by the detuning. Despite the lack of a verbal layer, despite the composers secrecy, Klave is a piece suggestive of extra-musical content - and to a very strong degree. The title ''key'' can be understood as an allusion to the solo instrument; it is also a semantic hint - if it is a key, there must be a door. Personally, I read it as a representation of a border situation, a transition, a breakthrough, a herald of a major change. It is also the gripping and often paralyzing fear that precedes it. Mykietyn does not create any illusions - he exposes and rejects them, putting artistic sincerity in the foreground.

  • Language of edition: eng, pol
  • Number of pages: 64
  • Cover: softcover
  • Published: 2010
  • Type: score
  • Size: A3 vertical

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