Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
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Regina Coeli; o Gloriosa Domina

for unaccompanied mixed choir (choral score)

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The study score you can find here


The work Regina coeli, scored for choir, composed in 1996, was added to the Missa Regina Coeli, written in 2001. The composer wrote as follows about this work: When [...] I began to think about the form of my new mass, first of all, I had to answer for myself the question of what this mass should not be. The answer was: it should not be pompous, noisy, alienated from the great tradition of church music. On the other hand, it should be modest, relatively simple, conveying properly the spirit and meaning of each part of the mass; but at the same time, it should be solemn, lofty in mood and communicative, since the place of its performance will be a church, and its first audience, the congregation of the faithful. The work Regina coeli, of lofty and solemn character, closes the musical setting of the liturgy.

  • Language of text: lat
  • Number of pages: 16
  • Cover: without cover
  • No. of edition: 1
  • Published: 2001
  • Type: choral score
  • Size: A4 vertical (210x297 mm)

6,00 EUR
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