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Sonata in C minor

Op. 5 for Piano and Violin

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  • Cat. no. 7553


Antoni Wincenty Rutkowski was born on 21 January 1859 in Warsaw and died there on 14 December 1886. Even in his early childhood he showed musical talent, and in 1869 was admitted to the Warsaw Institute of Music where he became a pianoforte teacher after completing his musical studies in 1876. He also appeared in concerts as a solo pianist and accompanist. From 1881 to 1883 he continued to study composition with Zygmunt Noskowski. Composing was yet another branch of his musical activity, besides teaching and concert performances. Hę took part in the competitions for composers organized by the Warsaw Musical Society. In scarcely ten years of creative work, Rutkowski wrote about thirty compositions, most of which were instrumental. The Sonata in C minor, op. 5 for pianoforte and violin was written in 1882 while he was studying with Noskowski. In style it has affinities with neo-Romanticism. Its artistic value rises above the average Polish musical output of the time, equalling other European compositions of this kind.

  • Series: Polish Sonatas
  • Language of edition: eng, pol
  • Number of pages: 64
  • Cover: softcover
  • No. of edition: 1
  • Published: 1975
  • Type: parts, solo part (instrumental) + accompaniment
  • Size: N4 vertical (235x305 mm)

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