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Works for Piano and Orchestra, CW

version for 2 Pianos

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  • Cat. no. 3539


Chopin wrote works for piano and orchestra between 1827 and 1832. They were written successively therefore there are traces of the gradual crystallisation and maturation of the composer's style. Their form and nature are dominated by the rules of the stile brillant, as well as the tendency to accent the national aspect.

These works were edited by by I. J. Paderewski, L. Bronarski and J. Turczyński.

  • Series: Chopin, CW (ed. Paderewski)
  • ISMN 979-0-2740-0073-8
  • Language of edition: eng
  • Number of pages: 192
  • Cover: softcover
  • Published: 2014
  • Type: piano reduction
  • Size: N4 vertical (235x305 mm)

Table of contents:

Chopin Fryderyk

Fantasia Op.13

Chopin Fryderyk

Grande Polonaise Brillante Op. 22

Chopin Fryderyk

Krakowiak, Grand Rondeau de Concert Op. 14

Chopin Fryderyk

Variations Op. 2

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