Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
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Letter from the Ambassador of the United States of America to Wojciech Kilar

A ceremonial concert honoured the memory of victims of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York on the 10th anniversary of the event. The honorary patron of the concert was the U.S. Ambassador to Poland, Lee Feinstein.
Here is the letter to Wojciech Kilar:

Dear Maestro Kilar,

Allow me to offer my deepest gratitude, as well as a deep sense of appreciation for your artistry, for your magnificent September Symphony at the Philharmonia Narodowa on September 11th. In the audience, there was not a person untouched, unmoved by your music. All four parts evoke emotions that not only take us back to that fateful September day, but inspire listeners, as Poles and Americans, to come together and overcome adversity.

The music is a representation of the sympathy and heartfelt support that Poles and people all over the world, showed us ten years ago, and continue to show today. I am thankful that your music was the centerpiece of the concert. I can think of no better way to illustrate the resilience of the American people, and the ties that continue to bind Poland and the United States.

Thank you once again for such a beautiful concert that truly commemorated such an important occasion in all of our lives. On behalf of the people of the United States, I look forward to working together again in the years to come.

Lee Feinstein

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This is by no means a piece about the centuries-long Polish-German conflict. It is, instead, a tale of impossible love, of tragic conflict between personal happiness and the common good.

PWM Edition is the exclusive representative of the Ricordi publishing house in Poland

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