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The Return of Panufnik - Centenary of Composer’s Birthday


In 2014, music aficionados all over the world celebrate the 100th anniversary of Andrzej Panufnik’s birthday – a Polish emigrant and one of the most acclaimed composers. The Emigration Museum in Gdynia joins this celebration by organizing a unique meeting with this “20th century classic’s ” heritage. Thanks to a symphonic concert conducted by maestro Jerzy Maksymiuk, a chamber music concerto, various film screenings, lectures, and workshops for people of all ages, in September, Gdynia will resonate with music of the highest quality. 


In 1954, Andrzej Panufnik (1914-1991) escaped the Communist Poland and arrived to Great Britain where he remained until the last days of his life. This distinguished composer and conductor, by many called a classic of the 20th century, is not a widely known person in Poland – even despite having earned an international fame and a nobility title.

For Andrzej Panufnik emigration meant an escape towards an artistic and personal freedom, however the reaction of the authorities at that time was to place the composer’s name and music on a censorship index. The ban – which stayed in force until 1977 – resulted in the artist being all but completely erased from the memory of Polish listeners. The Emigration Museum in Gdynia rediscovers this eminent Pole – an emigrant and an inspiring artist who managed to create an original world of sound while remaining faithful to the traditional values, such as melody, harmony, and – above all – the beauty of tone.

We would like to invite all music aficionados, as well as people not yet familiar with Andrzej Panufnik’s output, to a meeting with the very rich and modernly classic music of the composer. The chamber music concerto performed by the young NeoQuartet and accompanied by multimedia visualizations offers an enriched form of the reception of classical music.

The monumental concert by the Symphony Orchestra of Baltic Philharmonic – conducted by maestro Jerzy Maksymiuk and accompanied by the distinguished violinist Patrycja Piekutowska – will undoubtedly prove to be immensely attractive to a wider audience.

Various lectures and meetings will offer a deeper insight into the artist’s life and his artistic accomplishments. The event will be also graced by the presence of the composer’s wife, Lady Camilla Panufnik. The event will be completed by a selection of biopic screenings, including an exciting documentary “My Father, Iron Curtain and Me”, whose main protagonist is the conductor’s son.

For our youngest music aficionados, we have prepared several music workshops, during which they will have an opportunity to test their skills in the field of contemporary music.

The program of “The Return of Panufnik”
Centenary of Composer’s Birthday

September 6, 2014 | SATURDAY

12 am | 2 pm | „Composition for Families”
Pomorski Science and Technology Park in Gdynia | Hall D

4 pm | “Andrzej Panufnik of London and of Warsaw” | “The Return of Andrzej Panufnik”
5 pm | “My Father, Iron Curtain and Me” | meeting with the director after the screening
Pomorski Science and Technology Park in Gdynia | Cinema Hall

NeoQuartet | Oskar Zamek-Gliszczyński
Andrzej Panufnik – String quartets
7 pm | Pomorski Science and Technology Park in Gdynia | Auditorium Hall

September 7, 2014 | SUNDAY

12.30 am | 2 pm | “Panufnik’s Music for Kids with Families”
Pomorski Science and Technology Park in Gdynia | Hall D

3 pm | “Music through Andrzej Panufnik’s Eyes” | Katarzyna Szymańska-Stułka Ph.D. | InfoBox
5 pm | Promo event of Panufnik’s “Autobiography” with the participation of Camilla Panufnik | the foyer of the Music Theatre

4 pm | “The Return of Panufnik” urban game | start next to the Infobox

Jerzy Maksymiuk | Patrycja Piekutowska | Symphonic Orchestra of Polish Baltic Philharmonic
Andrzej Panufnik – “Autumn Music” | “Polonia” | „Lullaby” | „Violin Concerto”
7 pm | Danuta Baduszkowa Music Theatre in Gdynia | Main Stage

Free entry to all events.
Entry to the concert and the workshops with a free entry pass.

September 6 | 7 pm | Pomorski Science and Technology Park in Gdynia | Auditorium Hall
“String Quartet No. 1” | “String Quartet No. 2 Messages” | “String Quartet No. 3 Wycinanki”
Visualizations: Oskar Zamek-Gliszczyński

During the commemoration, artistic events will take place, which are focused on the reception of Andrzej Panufnik’s music and inspired by it. NeoQuartet string ensemble and a multimedia artist Oskar Zamek-Gliszczyński have been invited to participate in the project. The latter will create visualizations corresponding with Panufnik’s creative output and with the music performed live.

A concert by NeoQuartet string quartet comprising of the graduates of the music academies of Gdańsk and Lucerne. Members: Karolina Piątkowska-Nowicka, Paweł Kapica, Michał Markiewicz, and Krzysztof Pawłowski. The ensemble’s curriculum includes many premiere performances of compositions by young artists, as well as pieces by artists considered as musical classics of the 20th century. Its musicians frequently participate in important music events, such as Musica Electronica Nova Festival in Wrocław or NeoArte in Gdańsk.

September 7 | 7 pm | Danuta Baduszewska Music Theatre in Gdynia | Main Stage
“Autumn Music” | “Polonia” | “Lullaby” | “Violin Concerto”

September 6 | Pomorski Science and Technology Park in Gdynia | Cinema Hall
4 pm | “Andrzej Panufnik of London and of Warsaw” | “The Return of Andrzej Panufnik”
5 pm | “My Father, Iron Curtain and Me” | meeting with the director after the screening

“Andrzej Panufnik of London and of Warsaw”, dir. Andrzej Papuziński, 1990, 32’
The film was produced for the Warszawska Jesień Festival in 1990. Andrzej Panufnik was its central protagonist.

“The Return of Andrzej Panufnik”, dir. Andrzej Papuziński, 1996, 28’
The documentary presents the composer at his home in Twickenham as well as in Poland – conducting the performance of his own composition during the Warszawska Jesień Festival.

“My Father, Iron Curtain and Me”, dir. Krzysztof Rzączyński, 2009, 52’
Why did Andrzej Panufnik decide to leave his homeland? What political pressure and personal dramas motivated that decision? Answers to these questions are revealed by Jem Panufnik, the composer’s son, who visits Poland many years after his death.

September 7 | 3 pm | Infobox Gdynia
“Music Through Andrzej Panufnik’s Eyes”
Lecture | Katarzyna Szymańska-Sułka PhD (Fryderyk Chopin Music University in Warsaw)

September 7 | 5 pm | foyer of the Music Theatre in Gdynia
Promotional event of Andrzej Panufnik’s “Autobiography”
Special guest | Lady Camilla Panufnik

September 6 | 12 am | 2 pm | Pomorski Science and Technology Park in Gdynia | Hall D
“Composition for Families”
Conducted by Mirsosława Lipińska and Ryszard Popowski (Orkiestra Vita Activa/ECEKON)

Follow the fascinating path of music from composer’s imagination all the way to a concert hall! Discover the multicolored musical world of Andrzej Panufnik by means of aided improvisation and simple operations on professional instruments.
The event is directed at children of ages 8 and above with parents, as well as youths. The duration of each workshop is 1.5 hours and will be held twice.

September 7 | 12.30 am | 2 pm | Pomorski Science and Technology Park in Gdynia | Hall D
“Panufnik’s Music for Kids with Families”
Conducted by “Muzyka Jest dla Wszystkich” Foundation

Discover contemporary music with your family! We invite children with their families to discover the wealth of Andrzej Panufnik’s music through the interaction of musicians with audience, active listening, and entertainment.
The event is directed at children of ages 3-5 with parents. The duration of each concert is 45 minutes and will be held twice.

September 7 | 4 – 5.30 pm | Start by InfoBox
Starts at: 4 pm, 4.15 pm, 4.30 pm | results: 6 pm | InfoBox
Script: Piotr Szulc

Who was Sir Andrzej Panufnik, whose biography could serve as the canvas for several exciting movies? You will find out by following the composer’s footsteps – from his youth and the period of wartime occupation, through the Communist days and his dramatic escape from People’s Republic of Poland, to his life in exile. Unexpected challenges and twists of action await all participants, prizes – only the best ones!


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