Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
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An album of extraordinary adventures


It’ s like a game. The memory game, thanks to which you can look at a very ordinary family from an extraordinary perspective. ALBUM RODZINNY [Family album] – an opera by Jerzy Kornowicz with a libretto by Michał Rusinek – is another premiere of the ANAKLASIS label this year. This time, the record brand is expanding its audience to include the youngest listeners. The album will be released on 21st June.


Memory brings an image to life. Photographs from family albums, which document events important to us, moments captured in frames and portraits of our loved ones evoke memories, encourage reflections and bring back to life what has passed. At the same time, they also discover what is forgotten and often interesting and funny.

‘I made up my mind to go gaga for a few weeks and write some verse loosely based on the bios of my family members,’ explains Michał Rusinek, otherwise a serious and reputable literary scholar, translator, and writer. ‘My ancestors were apparently rather ordinary. Still, I am convinced that even a very ordinary family can be viewed from an unusual perspective. Every one of us has their eccentricities, as well as some adventures or anecdotes from their biographies to recount.’



These anecdotes added up to form the libretto of an opera, set to music by another extremely serious artist – the composer Jerzy Kornowicz, who is also an improvising pianist, educator, and music life organiser, director of the ‘Warsaw Autumn’ International Festival of Contemporary Music. He too, nevertheless, allowed himself to be guided by Rusinek’s text into the carefree, magical land of childhood. ‘Ours is a time in which we occupy several worlds at the same time. We are probably the least present in the real world since we have no clue what it is all about,’ says the composer of A FAMILY ALBUM. The music perfectly reflects this state. Singers Ewa Biegas and Jan Jakub Monowid are accompanied by AUKSO – Chamber Orchestra of the City of Tychy under Marek Moś.

The opera by Kornowicz and Rusinek encourages listeners to look in their own family albums, not only to consider their genealogy but also to find many amusing stories worth remembering. ALBUM RODZINNY (ANA 031) also provides a simple and attractive way to discuss difficult and complex topics with children, such as identity, gender or cultural differences.

Opera was staged for the first time on 11 March 2023 in Katowice at the NOSPR Festival of Premiers. At the end of the same year, it was preformed and very well received in Kiev and Lviv in Ukrainian translation.

The album, with a recording of the work and fabulous illustrations by Joanna Rusinek, will go on sale on 21 June 2024. The album will be available on CD in the PWM bookstore, in the best music stores, on the virtual shelves of Empik and on streaming services.



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An album of extraordinary adventures

It’ s like a game. The memory game, thanks to which you can look at a very ordinary family from an extraordinary perspective. ALBUM RODZINNY [Family album] – an opera by Jerzy Kornowicz with a libretto by Michał Rusinek – is another premiere of the ANAKLASIS label this year. This time, the record brand is expanding its audience to include the youngest listeners. The album will be released on 21st June.

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THE TALE OF THE HEART. FAVOLA IN MUSICA: a joint project by Aleksander Nowak and Radek Rak from ANAKLASIS on sale as of 6th October

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The most fascinating phenomena in contemporary music; a wide range of genres; outstanding works, excellent composers and performers – are the trademarks of the record label ANAKLASIS, launched by PWM Edition. ANAKLASIS is now celebrating its third birthday. It continues to grow at a dizzying pace and maintains the high artistic standards of its releases.


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