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Wojciech Łukaszewski

Wojciech Łukaszewski


by alphabet by cathegories

Works from PWM catalogue

For solo and orchestra

Concertino No.1

for piano and orchestra (1964), ca 15'
Instrumentation: pf solo - 22(+c.i.)22 - 2200 - batt (4esec) - archi

Concertino No.2

for piano and orchestra (1973), ca 10'
Instrumentation: pf solo-2222-2200-batt-archi

Orchestral Works

Confessioni per orchestra

(1970), ca 9'
Instrumentation: 2222-4331-batt pf-archi


for Symphony Orchestra (1975), ca 12'
Instrumentation: 3223-4231-batt (3esec)-archi

Musica da camera

for Symphony Orchestra (1971), ca 9'
Instrumentation: 2202-2220-batt-archi

Musica per quattro gruppi d'archi

(1968), ca 9'
Instrumentation: 0000-0000-archi (


De morte Boleslaui carmina,

Cantata for Baritone, Reciting Voice, Mixed Choir and Orchestra (1965), ca 12'
Instrumentation: Bar. solo-Rec-coro misto-3333-4331-batt-archi

Seven Songs for Children

for Voice and Piano

Songs of the Moon

for Mezzosoprano, Reciting Voice and 9 Instruments (1966), ca 18'
Instrumentation: MS solo-Rec-1100-0000-batt pf-archi (

Trois épisodes funebres

for Soprano and Orchestra (1969), ca 10'
Instrumentation: S solo-3222-4231-batt pf-archi

Concertino No.1

for piano and orchestra (1964), ca 15'
Instrumentation: pf solo - 22(+c.i.)22 - 2200 - batt (4esec) - archi

Concertino No.2

for piano and orchestra (1973), ca 10'
Instrumentation: pf solo-2222-2200-batt-archi

Confessioni per orchestra

(1970), ca 9'
Instrumentation: 2222-4331-batt pf-archi

De morte Boleslaui carmina,

Cantata for Baritone, Reciting Voice, Mixed Choir and Orchestra (1965), ca 12'
Instrumentation: Bar. solo-Rec-coro misto-3333-4331-batt-archi


for Symphony Orchestra (1975), ca 12'
Instrumentation: 3223-4231-batt (3esec)-archi

Musica da camera

for Symphony Orchestra (1971), ca 9'
Instrumentation: 2202-2220-batt-archi

Musica per quattro gruppi d'archi

(1968), ca 9'
Instrumentation: 0000-0000-archi (

Seven Songs for Children

for Voice and Piano

Songs of the Moon

for Mezzosoprano, Reciting Voice and 9 Instruments (1966), ca 18'
Instrumentation: MS solo-Rec-1100-0000-batt pf-archi (

Trois épisodes funebres

for Soprano and Orchestra (1969), ca 10'
Instrumentation: S solo-3222-4231-batt pf-archi