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Grażyna Bacewicz – the February Composer of the Month
We had no doubts as to who should be the protagonist of our COMPOSER OF THE MONTH project in February. Unequivocally and without hesitation, we pointed to Grażyna Bacewicz.The Festival of Seven Trends 19-25 June, Warsaw
The Festival of Seven Trends will take place in Warsaw on 19th-25th June. This festival caps the celebration of the seventieth anniversary of the Association of Polish Composers.Grażyna Bacewicz BBC Radio 3’s Composer of the Week
In two weeks’ time, Grażyna Bacewicz (1909-69) will be BBC Radio 3’s Composer of the Week. Five programmes, each lasting an hour, will be broadcast 25-29 May, at 12 noon and again at 18.30.106th Anniversary of the Birth of Grażyna Bacewicz
We are celebrating the 106th anniversary of the birth of Grażyna Bacewicz, regarded as the greatest Polish woman composer of the twentieth century.Polish Music Days
The primary objective of the project is to present Polish music - music of Szymanowski, Chopin, Lutosławski, Papara, Chyrzyński - abroad.Polish Music on Mezzo
You can watch a concert by Sinfonia Varsovia under the baton of Marc Minkowski, during which the artists performed works by H.M. Górecki, S. Moniuszko. K. Szymanowski and G. Bacewicz on the French television channel, Mezzo.Marta Ptaszyńska's Pieces at the Royal Castle
A concert in tribute to Marie Curie will be held December 20 at the Royal Castle in Warsaw, during which works by the Polish composers Marta Ptaszyńska, Grażyna Bacewicz and Maria Szymanowska will be heard.The Success of Polish Music in Moscow
The concert by Sinfonietta Cracovia orchestra under the baton of maestro Krzysztof Penderecki at the Piotr Tchaikovsky Moscow Conservatory, one of the most prestigious focal points of musical performance in the Russian capital, ended with a standing ovation, enthusiastic cheers and an encore. The concert opened the Small Festival of Polish Chamber Music, held on 14-15 October.49th Bydgoszcz Music Festival "Tribute to Henryk Mikołaj Górecki"
From 9 September - 7 October 2011 the 49th Bydgoszcz Music Festival, dedicated to the memory of Henryk Mikołaj Górecki, will take place. During the festival pieces from PWM’s catalogue will be heard, including H.M. Gorecki's “Trzy utwory w dawnym stylu” (Three Pieces in Old Style) and "Beatus Vir" and "Concerto" for string orchestra by G. Bacewicz and the symphonic poem, "Krzesany" by W. Kilar.Bacewicz Interpreted by Krystian Zimerman
The Deutsche Grammophon label has released a CD of works by Grażyna Bacewicz in interpretations by artists such as Krystian Zimerman and Kaja Danczowska.Focus Festival, or Polish contemporary music under the Americans’ magnifying glass
The presentation of Polish music from 1945 to the present day at Lincoln Center was a surprise, especially for us.
Copyright © 2013 PWM

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