Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
biuletyn informacji publicznej


  1. A
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  12. K
  13. L
  14. Ł
  15. M
  16. N
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  18. P
  19. Q
  20. R
  21. S
  22. Ś
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  25. V
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  28. Z
  29. Ż

Włodzimierz Kotoński

Włodzimierz Kotoński


Play of sounds (from composers' brochure)

Play of sounds (from composers' brochure)

Włodzimierz Kotoński's output can be distinguished on a map of Polish contemporary music by easily perceptible and highly individual character which is the result of reigning him esthetics, characteristic artist's temperament and relevant types of expression. In that range composer found his own path very early what could be proved by his compositions from 50's (created on the ground of "Darmstadt avant-garde"). Their salience is subtle tone, sensibility for

sensual quality of sound

and finesses of sonic patterns and also inclination for contemplative poetic feeling. Similar climate of music and poetry accompanies later works of Kotoński, based on the newest techniques and unconventional sets of instrument (including electronic trend). His music, concentrated and thoughtful, progresses like in "lowered swing", in spite of changes of tempo and contrasts. The artist, full of discretion and taste - especially in creating elaborate colors of sound - avoids dramatic and exuberant expressiveness. His domain is rather very specific, suggestive (little dreamy...) atmosphere and painter's fancy. In his youth, as creator, was strongly connected with tradition - or rather with classical models of our century. Afterwords he made his appearance on decided

innovatory way of composing

searching for new ways of expression and new technical and sound solutions (also in electronic music), becoming one of the famous Polish avant-garde protagonists. Avant-garde, which in its best time gained really big attention and esteem of the world. Today - when the time of "storm and pressure" and the most dynamic and extreme explorations of methods passed, when many of composers turned back to tradition - Kotoński has shown his new creative face: individual, originally poetical, fully independent.

Barbara Smoleńska-Zielińska