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by alphabet by cathegories
Works from PWM catalogue
Stage Music
Cagliostro in Warsaw
Ballet in 3 Scenes (1938), ca 35'Instrumentation: 3333-4331-batt ar-archi
The Golden Duck
ballet in 5 scenes (1950)Instrumentation: 2322-4231-batt cel ar-archi
For solo and orchestra
Violin Concerto No. 2 'Mountaineers' Concerto'
(1952), ca 25'Instrumentation: vno solo-2222-4230-batt ar-archi more
Orchestral Works
Symphonic Poem (1944), ca 18'Instrumentation: 3343-4331-batt (3esec)-archi
The Last Drumbeats
symphonic poem composed in memory of Marshal Józef Piłsudski (1935), ca 19'Instrumentation: 3333-4331-batt (3esec) ar-archi
May Day
suite of Polish dances for symphony orchestra (1938), ca 6'Instrumentation: 2221-2210-batt (2esec)-archi more
Prague Overture
for Symphony Orchestra (1947), ca 12'Instrumentation: 3334-4331-batt (3esec)-archi
for Mixed Choir and String Orchestra , ca 40'Instrumentation: MixedCh — Strings
Christmas Carols
for Mixed Choir and Orchestra , ca 40'Instrumentation: coro misto-3223-4331-batt (3esec) cel ar pf-archi
Concertino quasi una fantasia
for Piano, Mezzosoprano and Orchestra (1929), ca 17'Instrumentation: MS solo, pf solo-2222-4230-batt (2esec)-archi
Four Japanese Songs
for Soprano and Orchestra (1930), ca 15'Instrumentation: S solo-4220-4200-batt (2esec) cel ar pf-archi
Les vierges aux crépuscules
for 2 Mezzosopranos, Flute, Viola and Harp (1927), ca 15'Łowicz Dance Suite
for soprano, mixed choir and orchestra (1948), ca 20'Instrumentation: S solo-coro misto-1121-2210-batt (2esec)-archi more
4 songs for soprano and orchestra (1947)Instrumentation: S solo-3232-4300-batt (3esec) cel ar-archi
Silesia Works and Sings
suite for tenor, mixed choir and orchestra (1948), ca 16'Instrumentation: T solo-coro misto-1130-2430-batt pf-archi
Song on Our Daily Bread
for Mixed Choir and Orchestra (1931), ca 25'Instrumentation: coro misto-3333-4431-batt (5esec) pf-archi more
Symphony No. 2 'O Holy Lord'
for Baritone, Mixed Choir and Orchestra (1927), ca 17'Instrumentation: Bar. solo-coro misto-3333-6431-batt (5esec) cel ar org-archi more
song for male or mixed choir a cappella or with a symphonic orchestra (1949), ca 3'Instrumentation: coro misto-2222-4331-batt (2esec)-archi
Choral Music
Song for Mixed Choir a cappella or with a Symphonic Orchestra (Piano Red.) (1949), ca 3'Instrumentation: SATB, pf more
Cagliostro in Warsaw
Ballet in 3 Scenes (1938), ca 35'Instrumentation: 3333-4331-batt ar-archi
for Mixed Choir and String Orchestra , ca 40'Instrumentation: MixedCh — Strings
Christmas Carols
for Mixed Choir and Orchestra , ca 40'Instrumentation: coro misto-3223-4331-batt (3esec) cel ar pf-archi
Concertino quasi una fantasia
for Piano, Mezzosoprano and Orchestra (1929), ca 17'Instrumentation: MS solo, pf solo-2222-4230-batt (2esec)-archi
Four Japanese Songs
for Soprano and Orchestra (1930), ca 15'Instrumentation: S solo-4220-4200-batt (2esec) cel ar pf-archi
The Golden Duck
ballet in 5 scenes (1950)Instrumentation: 2322-4231-batt cel ar-archi
Symphonic Poem (1944), ca 18'Instrumentation: 3343-4331-batt (3esec)-archi
The Last Drumbeats
symphonic poem composed in memory of Marshal Józef Piłsudski (1935), ca 19'Instrumentation: 3333-4331-batt (3esec) ar-archi
Les vierges aux crépuscules
for 2 Mezzosopranos, Flute, Viola and Harp (1927), ca 15'Łowicz Dance Suite
for soprano, mixed choir and orchestra (1948), ca 20'Instrumentation: S solo-coro misto-1121-2210-batt (2esec)-archi more
4 songs for soprano and orchestra (1947)Instrumentation: S solo-3232-4300-batt (3esec) cel ar-archi
May Day
suite of Polish dances for symphony orchestra (1938), ca 6'Instrumentation: 2221-2210-batt (2esec)-archi more
Prague Overture
for Symphony Orchestra (1947), ca 12'Instrumentation: 3334-4331-batt (3esec)-archi
Silesia Works and Sings
suite for tenor, mixed choir and orchestra (1948), ca 16'Instrumentation: T solo-coro misto-1130-2430-batt pf-archi
Song on Our Daily Bread
for Mixed Choir and Orchestra (1931), ca 25'Instrumentation: coro misto-3333-4431-batt (5esec) pf-archi more
Symphony No. 2 'O Holy Lord'
for Baritone, Mixed Choir and Orchestra (1927), ca 17'Instrumentation: Bar. solo-coro misto-3333-6431-batt (5esec) cel ar org-archi more
Violin Concerto No. 2 'Mountaineers' Concerto'
(1952), ca 25'Instrumentation: vno solo-2222-4230-batt ar-archi more
song for male or mixed choir a cappella or with a symphonic orchestra (1949), ca 3'Instrumentation: coro misto-2222-4331-batt (2esec)-archi
Song for Mixed Choir a cappella or with a Symphonic Orchestra (Piano Red.) (1949), ca 3'Instrumentation: SATB, pf more
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