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by alphabet by cathegories
Works from PWM catalogue
for 4 Trumpets, 4 Horns, 4 Trombones, Piano and Gong (1970), ca 11'Instrumentation: 0000-4440-gng-pf
For Chamber Orchestra
La notte (Omaggio a Friedrich Nietzsche)
for Strings (1984), ca 9'Instrumentation: 0000-0000-archi
Paesaggio d'inverno (Winter Landscape)
for Strings (1982), ca 12'Instrumentation: 0000-0000-archi (
Strings in the Earth
for Strings (1980), ca 12'Instrumentation: 0000-0000-archi (
For solo and orchestra
Concerto breve
for Piano, 24 Wind Instruments and Percussion (1965), ca 10'Instrumentation: pf solo-4440-4440-batt (4esec)-senza archi
Music in Twilight
for Piano and Orchestra (1978), ca 20'Instrumentation: pf solo-0444-4400-batt (4esec)-archi (
Omaggio (in memoriam Jorge Luis Borges)
for 4 Pianos and Orchestra (1987), ca 10'Instrumentation: 0444-4420-4tmp cmp.tbl. 4pf-archi
Orchestral Works
Holzwege (Roads to Nowhere)
for Symphony Orchestra (1972), ca 7'Instrumentation: 0122-4131-cmp-archi
Other voices
for 24 Wind Instruments, 4 Gongs and Chimes (1975), ca 10'Instrumentation: 0444-4440-batt (10esec)
Sequenza I
for Symphony Orchestra (1966), ca 12'Instrumentation: 4444-4440-batt (4esec) 2pf-archi more
Music from Afar
for Mixed Choir and Instruments (1974), ca 10'Instrumentation: coro misto-0000-4420-batt (2esec) pf-senza archi
for Female Choir, 2 Solo Pianos and Instruments (1964), ca 7'Instrumentation: 2pf soli-coro femminile-4000-4000-batt (3esec)
Sickness unto Death
for Reciter, 4 Horns, 4 Trumpets and 2 Pianos (1976), ca 12'Instrumentation: Rec-0000-0440-2pf-senza archi more
Vox humana
for Mixed Choir, 2 Solo Pianos, 12 Brass Instruments, 4 Gongs and 4 Tam-tams (1971), ca 12'Instrumentation: 2pf soli-coro misto-0000-4440-4gng 4tam-tams-senza archi
Concerto breve
for Piano, 24 Wind Instruments and Percussion (1965), ca 10'Instrumentation: pf solo-4440-4440-batt (4esec)-senza archi
Holzwege (Roads to Nowhere)
for Symphony Orchestra (1972), ca 7'Instrumentation: 0122-4131-cmp-archi
for 4 Trumpets, 4 Horns, 4 Trombones, Piano and Gong (1970), ca 11'Instrumentation: 0000-4440-gng-pf
Music from Afar
for Mixed Choir and Instruments (1974), ca 10'Instrumentation: coro misto-0000-4420-batt (2esec) pf-senza archi
Music in Twilight
for Piano and Orchestra (1978), ca 20'Instrumentation: pf solo-0444-4400-batt (4esec)-archi (
La notte (Omaggio a Friedrich Nietzsche)
for Strings (1984), ca 9'Instrumentation: 0000-0000-archi
Omaggio (in memoriam Jorge Luis Borges)
for 4 Pianos and Orchestra (1987), ca 10'Instrumentation: 0444-4420-4tmp cmp.tbl. 4pf-archi
Other voices
for 24 Wind Instruments, 4 Gongs and Chimes (1975), ca 10'Instrumentation: 0444-4440-batt (10esec)
Paesaggio d'inverno (Winter Landscape)
for Strings (1982), ca 12'Instrumentation: 0000-0000-archi (
for Female Choir, 2 Solo Pianos and Instruments (1964), ca 7'Instrumentation: 2pf soli-coro femminile-4000-4000-batt (3esec)
Sequenza I
for Symphony Orchestra (1966), ca 12'Instrumentation: 4444-4440-batt (4esec) 2pf-archi more
Sickness unto Death
for Reciter, 4 Horns, 4 Trumpets and 2 Pianos (1976), ca 12'Instrumentation: Rec-0000-0440-2pf-senza archi more
Strings in the Earth
for Strings (1980), ca 12'Instrumentation: 0000-0000-archi (
Vox humana
for Mixed Choir, 2 Solo Pianos, 12 Brass Instruments, 4 Gongs and 4 Tam-tams (1971), ca 12'Instrumentation: 2pf soli-coro misto-0000-4440-4gng 4tam-tams-senza archi
Copyright © 2013 PWM

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