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by alphabet by cathegories
Works from PWM catalogue
Film Music
Kidnapping of Iorgu from the film ‘Bastard’
(1997), ca 3'Instrumentation: 0 0 0 0 — 2 0 2 0 —Timp Harp — Strings more
Mro iło from the film ‘Bastard’
(1997), ca 4'Instrumentation: solo: Vln FCh — 0 0 2 2 — 0 0 2 1— BDr — Strings more
Themes from the series ‘Father Mattew’
(2014), ca 3'Instrumentation: 1 0 2 1 — 2 0 0 0 — Timp[Tri] Cel Harp — Strings more
For solo and orchestra
Mro iło from the film ‘Bastard’
(1997), ca 4'Instrumentation: solo: Vln FCh — 0 0 2 2 — 0 0 2 1— BDr — Strings more
Orchestral Works
Elena's Dance from the film "Bastard"
(1997), ca 4'Instrumentation: 0110-000-batt (2esec) ar-archi more
Habemus Papam from the film "John Paul II: I kept looking for you…"
(2011), ca 2'Instrumentation: 0122-4230-batt (1esec) ar-archi more
Kidnapping of Iorgu from the film ‘Bastard’
(1997), ca 3'Instrumentation: 0 0 0 0 — 2 0 2 0 —Timp Harp — Strings more
Mro iło from the film ‘Bastard’
(1997), ca 4'Instrumentation: solo: Vln FCh — 0 0 2 2 — 0 0 2 1— BDr — Strings more
St. Peter’s Square. Theme from the film "John Paul II: I Kept Looking for You…"
(2011), ca 4'Instrumentation: 0000-0000-ar-archi more
The Second Vatican Council from the film "John Paul II: I Kept Looking For You…"
(2011), ca 2'Instrumentation: 0022-4020-timp ar-archi more
Theme from the TV series "Father Matthew"
(2008), ca 1'Instrumentation: 1021-0000-trgl cel ar-archi more
Themes from the series ‘Father Mattew’
(2014), ca 3'Instrumentation: 1 0 2 1 — 2 0 0 0 — Timp[Tri] Cel Harp — Strings more
Themes from the TV series "All the Money in the World"
(1999), ca 4'Instrumentation: 2222-4330-timp batt (1esec) ar-archi more
Elena's Dance from the film "Bastard"
(1997), ca 4'Instrumentation: 0110-000-batt (2esec) ar-archi more
Habemus Papam from the film "John Paul II: I kept looking for you…"
(2011), ca 2'Instrumentation: 0122-4230-batt (1esec) ar-archi more
Kidnapping of Iorgu from the film ‘Bastard’
(1997), ca 3'Instrumentation: 0 0 0 0 — 2 0 2 0 —Timp Harp — Strings more
Mro iło from the film ‘Bastard’
(1997), ca 4'Instrumentation: solo: Vln FCh — 0 0 2 2 — 0 0 2 1— BDr — Strings more
St. Peter’s Square. Theme from the film "John Paul II: I Kept Looking for You…"
(2011), ca 4'Instrumentation: 0000-0000-ar-archi more
Themes from the series ‘Father Mattew’
(2014), ca 3'Instrumentation: 1 0 2 1 — 2 0 0 0 — Timp[Tri] Cel Harp — Strings more
Themes from the TV series "All the Money in the World"
(1999), ca 4'Instrumentation: 2222-4330-timp batt (1esec) ar-archi more
Theme from the TV series "Father Matthew"
(2008), ca 1'Instrumentation: 1021-0000-trgl cel ar-archi more
The Second Vatican Council from the film "John Paul II: I Kept Looking For You…"
(2011), ca 2'Instrumentation: 0022-4020-timp ar-archi more
Copyright © 2013 PWM

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