Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
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Ad Matrem

Op. 29 for Soprano, Mixed Choir and Orchestra

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  • Cat. no. 7363


Ad Matrem is Górecki's first ''musical journey'' into the world of ''the mystical and the sacred'' as is proved by both the verbal layer of the composition formed by an excerpt of the sequence of Stabat Mater - ''Mater mea, lacrimosa dolorosa'' - and the musical layer of the work full of symbolic figures and sound motives. Ad Matrem is a musical ''picture'', on the one hand, of the suffering of an individual a mother losing her son, and, on the other, an expression of the sadness of the human kind in general. Górecki ''paints'' this picture with the help of the scoring and the means of compositional technique in a conscious and masterly way. Sporadic exclamations of the choir on the words ''Mater mea'' and the toned down lament of the solo voice (''Mater mea, lacrimosa dolorosa''), together with the accompanying instruments, constitute a concise and very emotional ''musical image''. [Based on A. Thomas, Górecki, Cracow 1998, PWM]

  • Language of text: lat
  • Type: score

Out of Print