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Agata Zubel - born 1978 in Wrocław (Poland). A graduate of Wrocław's Karol Szymanowski High School of Music (percussion and music theory) and the Karol Lipiński Academy of Music, where she studied composition with Jan Wichrowski. She has been a scholarship student in the Netherlands, attended composition workshops in Germany and participated in Courses for Young Composers in Radziejowice (Poland). She is a member of the Youth Circle of the Polish Composers' Union and a recipient of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage scholarship. Currently she teaches at the Academy of Music in Wrocław (PhD).
She has won many awards at Polish composers competitions including First and Third Prize at the Composers Competition in Wrocław (1992 and 1994 respectively), Second Prize at the Academy of Music Silver Jubilee Competition in Wrocław (1998), First Prize at the Andrzej Panufnik National Composers' Competition in Cracow (1999) for Lumiere for solo percussion, Third Prize at the Polish Classical Guitar Composition Competition (2000), First Prize and Polish Radio's Programme 2 Special Award at the Adam Didur National Composers' Competition (2000) for A Song about the End of the World and honoured with distinction at the National Composers' Competition held on the 80th anniversary of the Academy of Music in Poznań (2000). In 2013 her work "Not I" was awarded at the UNESCO International Rostrum of Composers.
Her works have been performed at numerous concerts of contemporary music in Wrocław, as required repertoire during the Polish Auditions of Percussion Ensembles in Gdańsk, at the Krzysztof Penderecki International Contemporary Chamber Music Competition in Cracow, the "Poznań Music Spring" Festival, the Andrzej Panufnik Days of Music in Cracow and during Wrocław's "Musica Polonica Nova", "Cracow 2000" and "Warsaw Autumn 2001" festivals.

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