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Works from PWM catalogue
Solo with instrument
Concerto for 4 pianos and orchestra (2010), ca 20'Instrumentation: 4pf solo-222(+3sxf)2-2220-acc-archi (
Stage Music
Night of the Ravens
opera (2022), ca 60'Instrumentation: 1[Picc/Ocarina] 1[Ocarina] 1[BCl/Cl/Ocarina] 1[CBsn/Bsn/Ocarina] — 1 1 1 0 — 4Perc PrepPno Acc more
Premiere: Warsaw, 02.07.2022
Performers: Polish Royal Opera soloists and ensembles, dir. Dawid Runtz
Order: Polish Royal Opera
Olympia of Gdansk
Opera in nine scenes (2015), ca 80'Instrumentation: 3S 1MS 1A 1CT 2T 3Bar 1B soli-coro misto-2222-4220-batt (3esec) acc pf pno ar-archi more
Premiere: 20 XI 2015, Gdańsk, Baltic Opera
Performers: Anna Mikołajczyk, Monika Ledzion, Jan Monowid, Stanisław Kierner, Mateusz Teliński, Marian Kępczyński, Przemysław Baiński, Marzena Ostryńska, Marcin Miloch, Witalij Wydra, Joanna Wesołowska, Magdalena Nanowska, Choir and Orchestra of the Baltic Opera, Maja Metelska (dir.)
Order: Work commissioned by the Baltic Opera
The Trap
Opera in one act (2011), ca 100'Instrumentation: voci soli-coro misto-2222-4230-batt (timp, gr.c., 2tmt, 2 gg, 2 ptti, tmbno, vbf, mbf) chit.el. acc ar pf pno-archi
Wedding. Opera in three acts.
on drama by Witold Gombrowicz (2024), ca 100'Instrumentation: 3[Picc.2.3] 2 3[1.2.BCl] ASax 2 — 4 3 2 1 — Timp 2Perc Pno Acc — Strings more
Premiere: Poznań, 22.11.2024
Performers: Poznań Opera, dir. Katarzyna Tomala-Jedynak
Order: Composing Commissions NIMAD/ Poznań Opera
Yemaya the Queen of the Seas
family opera (2019), ca 50'Instrumentation: solo: 2S BoyS A Bar BBar MixedCh — BoysCh — 1 1 1[BCl] 1 — 3 2 2 0 — Timp 5Perc Pno ElGtr Harp Acc — 8Vln 2Vla 2Vlc DB more
Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy
(2004-6), ca 90'Instrumentation: 1S 2MS 2A 2CT 1T 1Bar 1B-2(picc)222Sax2-2210-batt(2esec) chitt el. fsm ar pf-archi
Music for Children
Electronic Music
De ira, de dolore
for electronic sound and eight instruments (2022), ca 13'Instrumentation: Picc[AFl] BCl[Cl] ASax — Perc Elec Pno — Vln Vla Vlc more
Premiere: Cracow, 03.12.2022
Performers: 'Spółdzielnia Muzyczna' contemporary ensemble, Zygmunt Krauze
Rivière souterraine 2
for electronic sound and chamber ensemble , ca 20'Instrumentation: 1121-1110-batt (2esec) pf-archi (esec: sound
Rivière souterraine 3
for piano solo, electronic sound and chamber orchestra (2023), ca 20'Instrumentation: Solo: Pno / 1 1 2[1.BCl] 1 — 1 1 1 0 — 2Perc Acc — Strings(3 3/3/3/2) more
Premiere: Ostrava, 28.08.2023
Performers: Ostravská banda, Jiří Rožeň (dyr.), Zygmunt Krauze (sol.), Mikuláš Mrva (el.sound)
Order: Adam Mickiewicz Institute
For Chamber Orchestra
11 Preludes
in arrangement for instrumental ensemble (2012), ca 22'Instrumentation: 02[1/Obd'am/Mldca.2/EngHn/Mldca] 2[1.2/BCl] 2[1.2/CBsn/Mldca] - 21[Mldca] 1[Mldca] 0 - Pno Pnno - Vln DB
Aus aller Welt stammende
for 5 Violins, 3 Violas and 2 Cellos (1973), ca 15'Instrumentation: 0000-0000-archi (
Exodus 2016
for Chamber Orchestra (2016), ca 9'Instrumentation: 1111-1110-batt (2esec) pf-archi more
Premiere: 22 October 2016
Performers: Zagreb Soloists, Cantus Ensemble, Berislav Sipus (dir)
Order: Work commissioned by Cantus Ensemble, Croatian Composer's Society
for 15 Optional Instruments (1972), ca 9'-27'Instrumentation: fl cr.i. sxf cl.b. cfg - cr crnt sous tb - vbf xlf org(el) pf ar-cb
For solo and orchestra
for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1983), ca 13'Instrumentation: pf solo-1111-1110-arm-archi (
Concerto for Accordion and Orchestra
(2016), ca 20'Instrumentation: solo: Acc 2 2 2 2 — 2 0 1 0 — 2Perc Harp — Strings more
Premiere: Wratislavia, 15.04.2016 (Musica Polonica Nova)
Performers: NFM Wratislavian Philharmonics, Maciej Frączkiewicz (acc), Benjamin Schwartz (dir.)
Dedication: to Maciej Frączkiewicz
Fete galante et pastorale
for 4 Soloists playing Folk Instruments and Orchestra (1975), ca 18'Instrumentation: soli: 4 liry korbowe/hurdy-gurdys, 4 dudy/bag pipes, 4 skrzypiec ludowych/folk violins, 4 piszczałki/fifes; tutti: 002(2melodicas)0-0000-vbf chit.el 2acc org.el cemb 2pf-archi (16,0,0,8,2)
Concerto for 4 pianos and orchestra (2010), ca 20'Instrumentation: 4pf solo-222(+3sxf)2-2220-acc-archi (
Piano Concerto
(1976), ca 20'Instrumentation: pf solo-000(+3sxf)0-3210-2chit.el 2acc-archi (
Piano Concerto No. 3 – Fragments of Memory
(2019), ca 18'Instrumentation: solo: Pno, Veme 2[1.2/Picc] 2[1.2/EngHn] 2[1.2/BCl] 2[1.2/CBsn] — 3 2 2 1 — 4Perc Harp — Strings(6 5/4/3/2) more
Piano Concerto No. 3 – Fragments of Memory (2)
(2020), ca 18'Instrumentation: solo: Pno, Tamt 2[1.2/Picc] 2[1.2/EngHn] 2[1.2/BCl] 2[1.2/CBsn] — 3 2 2 1 — 4Perc Harp — Strings(6 5/4/3/2)
Piano Concerto No.4
(2023), ca 20'Instrumentation: solo: Pno 2 2 2 2 — 3 2 2 1 — 3Perc — Strings more
Premiere: Warsaw, 11.10.2023
Performers: Sinfonia Varsovia, dir. Martijn Dendievel, sol. Zygmunt Krauze
Order: NIMAD Composers Commissions / Sinfonia Varsovia
Rivière souterraine 3
for piano solo, electronic sound and chamber orchestra (2023), ca 20'Instrumentation: Solo: Pno / 1 1 2[1.BCl] 1 — 1 1 1 0 — 2Perc Acc — Strings(3 3/3/3/2) more
Premiere: Ostrava, 28.08.2023
Performers: Ostravská banda, Jiří Rožeň (dyr.), Zygmunt Krauze (sol.), Mikuláš Mrva (el.sound)
Order: Adam Mickiewicz Institute
for Fender Rhodes and String Orchestra , ca 13'Instrumentation: pf el. solo-0000-0000-archi ( more
Premiere: Katowice The 7th Festival of Premieres Polish Modern Music, 26 III 2017
Dedication: Daniel Cichy
Threnody Krzysztof Penderecki in memoriam
for piano and string orchestra (2023), ca 12'Instrumentation: Solo:Piano Strings more
Orchestral Works
for instrumental ensemble (2011), ca 15'Instrumentation: 1121-1110-batt (2esec: mar, gr.c., 3 toms) pf-archi
Folk Music
for Symphony Orchestra (1972), ca 10'-20'Instrumentation: 5462-5110-2batt 2acc-archi (
Hymn do tolerancji [Hymn for Tolerance]
for Orchestra (2007), ca 13'Instrumentation: 3333-4330-batt(2esec)- archi (
for orchestra (1991)Instrumentation: 2 2 0 0 — 2 2 0 0 — Strings more
Premiere: Barcelona, 01.12.1991
Performers: Barcelona, 01.12.1991, dir. Xavier Güell
Order: Mozartiana, Barcelona
Piece for orchestra No. 1
score (1969), ca 8'Instrumentation: 4444-6431-archi (
Piece for orchestra No. 2
(1970), ca 10'Instrumentation: 2222-2220-archi (
Preludes to "Bucolics"
for Orchestra (2016), ca 15'Instrumentation: 2222-0220-batt (2esec) cel ar pf-archi more
Premiere: 17 IX 2016, Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic Orchestra in Szczecin
Performers: Katarzyna Budnik-Gałązka – viola, Andrzej Bauer – cello, International Lutosławski Youth Orchestra, Ewa Strusińska (dir.)
Order: Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic Orchestra in Szczecin, International Lutoslawski Youth Orchestra
Ball in the Opera
for Chamber Choir and 12 Instruments (2006), ca 80'Instrumentation: coro misto, 2sax2tr-chit fis-batt(2esec)-pf-2vni cb
Bona Sforza. Opera in due atti
(2024), ca 90'Instrumentation: 3[Picc.2.3] 2 3[1.2.BCl] 3[1.2.CBsn] — 4 2 3 1 — Timp 2Perc Hpsd Harp — Strings more
Premiere: Kraków (Poland), 9.11.2024
Performers: Opera Krakowska, dir. Piotr Sułkowski, sol. K. Wiktor-Kałucka, E. Piasecka, P. Maciołek
Copernicus – Our Planet
for vocal ensemble and strings (2020), ca 18'Instrumentation: S, MS1, MS2, T, Bar, B, Strings(6 6/4/4/2)
for baritone and orchestra (2020), ca 13'Instrumentation: solo: Bar, 2 2 2[1.BCl/Cl] 2 — 3 2 2 1 — 3Perc Pno — Strings(12 10/8/6/4) more
Premiere: Katowice, 18.09.2020
Performers: Silesian Philharmony Orchestra, dir. Y. Shemet, sol. J.Bręk
Five Songs
for baritone and chamber ensemble to the poetry of Tadeusz Różewicz (2015), ca 16'Instrumentation: Solo: Bar 1[AFl] 1 1 1 — 1 1 1 0 — Mrmba[Vib] Pno — Strings (2 2/2/2/1 or 6 6/4/4/2) more
Premiere: Warszawa (Poland), 19.05.2015
Performers: Filharmonia Narodowa, dir. Ronald Zollman, sol. Mariusz Godlewski
(2018), ca 30'Instrumentation: MixedCh — 0 1 0 1 — 0 1[BrqTpt] 1 0 — Timp Org — Strings
Night of the Ravens
opera (2022), ca 60'Instrumentation: 1[Picc/Ocarina] 1[Ocarina] 1[BCl/Cl/Ocarina] 1[CBsn/Bsn/Ocarina] — 1 1 1 0 — 4Perc PrepPno Acc more
Premiere: Warsaw, 02.07.2022
Performers: Polish Royal Opera soloists and ensembles, dir. Dawid Runtz
Order: Polish Royal Opera
Poem of Apollinaire
for speaking pianist playing on out of tune upright piano and 12 optional instruments (2016), ca 12'Instrumentation: pf/Rec solo-201(+2sxf)0-1121-2chit more
Premiere: 26 VI 2016, Warsaw
Performers: Zygmunt Krauze (pno), Orkest de ereprij, Wim Boerman (dir.)
Order: ZKP
Requiem: Introitus i Kyrie
for mixed choir, four soloists and orchestra (2023), ca 15'Instrumentation: SATB solo, mixed choir 3 3 3 3 — 4 3 3 1 — Timp — Strings more
Premiere: Timișoara , 16.12.2023
Performers: Banatul Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, dir. Gabriel Bebeselea
Order: Banatul Philharmonic (Timișoara ) [print on demand - hire order obligatory at least six months in advance]
The Declaration
(2018), ca 20'Instrumentation: solo: MS Bar 1[Picc] 0 2[1.BCl] SSax[BarSax] 0 — 0 0 0 0 — Perc[Xyl, Vib, Mrmba, 5Toms, TamT, BDr] Elec Pno Pnno ElOrg ElGtr Acc — 2Vln Vla Vlc DB
Voyage de Chopin
for chamber choir a cappella or with ensemble of folk instruments (2010), ca 12'/18'Instrumentation: coro misto-4 folk instruments (4 hurdy-gurdys, 4 bag pipes, 4 folk violins, 4 fifes)
Choral Music
Voyage de Chopin
for Chamber Choir a Cappella (choral score) , ca 12'Instrumentation: SSATTB more
Premiere: 12 VI 2010, Warszawa
Performers: Chór Camerata Silesia oraz zespół Warsztat Muzyczny, Anna Szostak (dir.)
Voyage de Chopin
for chamber choir a cappella or with ensemble of folk instruments (2010), ca 12'/18'Instrumentation: coro misto-4 folk instruments (4 hurdy-gurdys, 4 bag pipes, 4 folk violins, 4 fifes)
11 Preludes
in arrangement for instrumental ensemble (2012), ca 22'Instrumentation: 02[1/Obd'am/Mldca.2/EngHn/Mldca] 2[1.2/BCl] 2[1.2/CBsn/Mldca] - 21[Mldca] 1[Mldca] 0 - Pno Pnno - Vln DB
for Piano and Chamber Orchestra (1983), ca 13'Instrumentation: pf solo-1111-1110-arm-archi (
Aus aller Welt stammende
for 5 Violins, 3 Violas and 2 Cellos (1973), ca 15'Instrumentation: 0000-0000-archi (
Ball in the Opera
for Chamber Choir and 12 Instruments (2006), ca 80'Instrumentation: coro misto, 2sax2tr-chit fis-batt(2esec)-pf-2vni cb
Bona Sforza. Opera in due atti
(2024), ca 90'Instrumentation: 3[Picc.2.3] 2 3[1.2.BCl] 3[1.2.CBsn] — 4 2 3 1 — Timp 2Perc Hpsd Harp — Strings more
Premiere: Kraków (Poland), 9.11.2024
Performers: Opera Krakowska, dir. Piotr Sułkowski, sol. K. Wiktor-Kałucka, E. Piasecka, P. Maciołek
for instrumental ensemble (2011), ca 15'Instrumentation: 1121-1110-batt (2esec: mar, gr.c., 3 toms) pf-archi
Concerto for Accordion and Orchestra
(2016), ca 20'Instrumentation: solo: Acc 2 2 2 2 — 2 0 1 0 — 2Perc Harp — Strings more
Premiere: Wratislavia, 15.04.2016 (Musica Polonica Nova)
Performers: NFM Wratislavian Philharmonics, Maciej Frączkiewicz (acc), Benjamin Schwartz (dir.)
Dedication: to Maciej Frączkiewicz
Copernicus – Our Planet
for vocal ensemble and strings (2020), ca 18'Instrumentation: S, MS1, MS2, T, Bar, B, Strings(6 6/4/4/2)
De ira, de dolore
for electronic sound and eight instruments (2022), ca 13'Instrumentation: Picc[AFl] BCl[Cl] ASax — Perc Elec Pno — Vln Vla Vlc more
Premiere: Cracow, 03.12.2022
Performers: 'Spółdzielnia Muzyczna' contemporary ensemble, Zygmunt Krauze
Exodus 2016
for Chamber Orchestra (2016), ca 9'Instrumentation: 1111-1110-batt (2esec) pf-archi more
Premiere: 22 October 2016
Performers: Zagreb Soloists, Cantus Ensemble, Berislav Sipus (dir)
Order: Work commissioned by Cantus Ensemble, Croatian Composer's Society
for baritone and orchestra (2020), ca 13'Instrumentation: solo: Bar, 2 2 2[1.BCl/Cl] 2 — 3 2 2 1 — 3Perc Pno — Strings(12 10/8/6/4) more
Premiere: Katowice, 18.09.2020
Performers: Silesian Philharmony Orchestra, dir. Y. Shemet, sol. J.Bręk
Fete galante et pastorale
for 4 Soloists playing Folk Instruments and Orchestra (1975), ca 18'Instrumentation: soli: 4 liry korbowe/hurdy-gurdys, 4 dudy/bag pipes, 4 skrzypiec ludowych/folk violins, 4 piszczałki/fifes; tutti: 002(2melodicas)0-0000-vbf chit.el 2acc org.el cemb 2pf-archi (16,0,0,8,2)
Five Songs
for baritone and chamber ensemble to the poetry of Tadeusz Różewicz (2015), ca 16'Instrumentation: Solo: Bar 1[AFl] 1 1 1 — 1 1 1 0 — Mrmba[Vib] Pno — Strings (2 2/2/2/1 or 6 6/4/4/2) more
Premiere: Warszawa (Poland), 19.05.2015
Performers: Filharmonia Narodowa, dir. Ronald Zollman, sol. Mariusz Godlewski
Folk Music
for Symphony Orchestra (1972), ca 10'-20'Instrumentation: 5462-5110-2batt 2acc-archi (
(2018), ca 30'Instrumentation: MixedCh — 0 1 0 1 — 0 1[BrqTpt] 1 0 — Timp Org — Strings
Hymn do tolerancji [Hymn for Tolerance]
for Orchestra (2007), ca 13'Instrumentation: 3333-4330-batt(2esec)- archi (
Concerto for 4 pianos and orchestra (2010), ca 20'Instrumentation: 4pf solo-222(+3sxf)2-2220-acc-archi (
for orchestra (1991)Instrumentation: 2 2 0 0 — 2 2 0 0 — Strings more
Premiere: Barcelona, 01.12.1991
Performers: Barcelona, 01.12.1991, dir. Xavier Güell
Order: Mozartiana, Barcelona
Night of the Ravens
opera (2022), ca 60'Instrumentation: 1[Picc/Ocarina] 1[Ocarina] 1[BCl/Cl/Ocarina] 1[CBsn/Bsn/Ocarina] — 1 1 1 0 — 4Perc PrepPno Acc more
Premiere: Warsaw, 02.07.2022
Performers: Polish Royal Opera soloists and ensembles, dir. Dawid Runtz
Order: Polish Royal Opera
Olympia of Gdansk
Opera in nine scenes (2015), ca 80'Instrumentation: 3S 1MS 1A 1CT 2T 3Bar 1B soli-coro misto-2222-4220-batt (3esec) acc pf pno ar-archi more
Premiere: 20 XI 2015, Gdańsk, Baltic Opera
Performers: Anna Mikołajczyk, Monika Ledzion, Jan Monowid, Stanisław Kierner, Mateusz Teliński, Marian Kępczyński, Przemysław Baiński, Marzena Ostryńska, Marcin Miloch, Witalij Wydra, Joanna Wesołowska, Magdalena Nanowska, Choir and Orchestra of the Baltic Opera, Maja Metelska (dir.)
Order: Work commissioned by the Baltic Opera
Piano Concerto
(1976), ca 20'Instrumentation: pf solo-000(+3sxf)0-3210-2chit.el 2acc-archi (
Piano Concerto No.4
(2023), ca 20'Instrumentation: solo: Pno 2 2 2 2 — 3 2 2 1 — 3Perc — Strings more
Premiere: Warsaw, 11.10.2023
Performers: Sinfonia Varsovia, dir. Martijn Dendievel, sol. Zygmunt Krauze
Order: NIMAD Composers Commissions / Sinfonia Varsovia
Piano Concerto No. 3 – Fragments of Memory
(2019), ca 18'Instrumentation: solo: Pno, Veme 2[1.2/Picc] 2[1.2/EngHn] 2[1.2/BCl] 2[1.2/CBsn] — 3 2 2 1 — 4Perc Harp — Strings(6 5/4/3/2) more
Piano Concerto No. 3 – Fragments of Memory (2)
(2020), ca 18'Instrumentation: solo: Pno, Tamt 2[1.2/Picc] 2[1.2/EngHn] 2[1.2/BCl] 2[1.2/CBsn] — 3 2 2 1 — 4Perc Harp — Strings(6 5/4/3/2)
Piece for orchestra No. 1
score (1969), ca 8'Instrumentation: 4444-6431-archi (
Piece for orchestra No. 2
(1970), ca 10'Instrumentation: 2222-2220-archi (
Poem of Apollinaire
for speaking pianist playing on out of tune upright piano and 12 optional instruments (2016), ca 12'Instrumentation: pf/Rec solo-201(+2sxf)0-1121-2chit more
Premiere: 26 VI 2016, Warsaw
Performers: Zygmunt Krauze (pno), Orkest de ereprij, Wim Boerman (dir.)
Order: ZKP
Preludes to "Bucolics"
for Orchestra (2016), ca 15'Instrumentation: 2222-0220-batt (2esec) cel ar pf-archi more
Premiere: 17 IX 2016, Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic Orchestra in Szczecin
Performers: Katarzyna Budnik-Gałązka – viola, Andrzej Bauer – cello, International Lutosławski Youth Orchestra, Ewa Strusińska (dir.)
Order: Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic Orchestra in Szczecin, International Lutoslawski Youth Orchestra
Requiem: Introitus i Kyrie
for mixed choir, four soloists and orchestra (2023), ca 15'Instrumentation: SATB solo, mixed choir 3 3 3 3 — 4 3 3 1 — Timp — Strings more
Premiere: Timișoara , 16.12.2023
Performers: Banatul Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, dir. Gabriel Bebeselea
Order: Banatul Philharmonic (Timișoara ) [print on demand - hire order obligatory at least six months in advance]
Rivière souterraine 3
for piano solo, electronic sound and chamber orchestra (2023), ca 20'Instrumentation: Solo: Pno / 1 1 2[1.BCl] 1 — 1 1 1 0 — 2Perc Acc — Strings(3 3/3/3/2) more
Premiere: Ostrava, 28.08.2023
Performers: Ostravská banda, Jiří Rožeň (dyr.), Zygmunt Krauze (sol.), Mikuláš Mrva (el.sound)
Order: Adam Mickiewicz Institute
Rivière souterraine 2
for electronic sound and chamber ensemble , ca 20'Instrumentation: 1121-1110-batt (2esec) pf-archi (esec: sound
for Fender Rhodes and String Orchestra , ca 13'Instrumentation: pf el. solo-0000-0000-archi ( more
Premiere: Katowice The 7th Festival of Premieres Polish Modern Music, 26 III 2017
Dedication: Daniel Cichy
The Declaration
(2018), ca 20'Instrumentation: solo: MS Bar 1[Picc] 0 2[1.BCl] SSax[BarSax] 0 — 0 0 0 0 — Perc[Xyl, Vib, Mrmba, 5Toms, TamT, BDr] Elec Pno Pnno ElOrg ElGtr Acc — 2Vln Vla Vlc DB
The Trap
Opera in one act (2011), ca 100'Instrumentation: voci soli-coro misto-2222-4230-batt (timp, gr.c., 2tmt, 2 gg, 2 ptti, tmbno, vbf, mbf) chit.el. acc ar pf pno-archi
Threnody Krzysztof Penderecki in memoriam
for piano and string orchestra (2023), ca 12'Instrumentation: Solo:Piano Strings more
for 15 Optional Instruments (1972), ca 9'-27'Instrumentation: fl cr.i. sxf cl.b. cfg - cr crnt sous tb - vbf xlf org(el) pf ar-cb
Voyage de Chopin
for Chamber Choir a Cappella (choral score) , ca 12'Instrumentation: SSATTB more
Premiere: 12 VI 2010, Warszawa
Performers: Chór Camerata Silesia oraz zespół Warsztat Muzyczny, Anna Szostak (dir.)
Voyage de Chopin
for chamber choir a cappella or with ensemble of folk instruments (2010), ca 12'/18'Instrumentation: coro misto-4 folk instruments (4 hurdy-gurdys, 4 bag pipes, 4 folk violins, 4 fifes)
Wedding. Opera in three acts.
on drama by Witold Gombrowicz (2024), ca 100'Instrumentation: 3[Picc.2.3] 2 3[1.2.BCl] ASax 2 — 4 3 2 1 — Timp 2Perc Pno Acc — Strings more
Premiere: Poznań, 22.11.2024
Performers: Poznań Opera, dir. Katarzyna Tomala-Jedynak
Order: Composing Commissions NIMAD/ Poznań Opera
Yemaya the Queen of the Seas
family opera (2019), ca 50'Instrumentation: solo: 2S BoyS A Bar BBar MixedCh — BoysCh — 1 1 1[BCl] 1 — 3 2 2 0 — Timp 5Perc Pno ElGtr Harp Acc — 8Vln 2Vla 2Vlc DB more
Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy
(2004-6), ca 90'Instrumentation: 1S 2MS 2A 2CT 1T 1Bar 1B-2(picc)222Sax2-2210-batt(2esec) chitt el. fsm ar pf-archi
Copyright © 2013 PWM

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