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by alphabet by cathegories
Works from PWM catalogue
Music for Children
Aisthetikos Duo
for soprano saxophone and piano morePremiere: 21 II 2020, Sala koncertowa Filharmonii Świętokrzyskiej, Kielce
Performers: Orkiestra Symfoniczna Filharmonii Świętokrzyskiej Jacek Ro gala (dir.) Bartłomiej Duś (ssf. s.) Magdalena Duś (pfte)
For Chamber Orchestra
La scala tutti
for trumpet, trombone and strings (2022), ca 15' morePremiere: Lodz, 18.10.2022
Performers: PRIMUZ Chamber Orchestra, dir .Ł.Błaszczyk, P.Majoor (tr), A.Gryciuk (tbn)
Order: [NIMAD Composers Commissions] PRIMUZ Chamber Orchestra
For solo and orchestra
for Pan flute and symphony orchestra (2021), ca 10'Instrumentation: solo: Pan Flute 3[1/Picc.2.3] 3 3 3 — 4 3 3 1 — Timp 2Perc Pno — Strings Batt. I: 2 Wood blocks, 2 Bongos, 2 Congas Batt.II: 2 Bass Drums, Campanelli, Xilofono more
Premiere: Katowice, 3.10.2021
Performers: Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra, dir. F. Ollu
for Soprano Saxophone, Piano and Orchestra (2019), ca 18'Instrumentation: solo: SSax Pno, 2 2 2 2 — 3 2 2 0 — 2Perc — Strings more
Premiere: Kielce (Poland). 21.02.2020
Performers: Kielce Philharmony Orchestra, dir. Jacek Rogala, sol. Magdalena Duś, Bartłomiej Duś
for clarinet (saxophone), piano and orchestra (30.06.2021), ca 15'Instrumentation: Solo: Clarinet[Alto Clarinet], Piano; 2 2 2 2 — 3 2 2 0 — 2Perc — Strings(8 8/5/4/2) more
Premiere: Warsaw, 30.10.2021, W.Lutosławski Polish Radio Concert Studio
Performers: Polish Orchestra Sinfonia Iuventus, George Tchitchinadze (dir.), Roman Widaszek (cl)
Order: Composing Commissions IMIT, Sinfonia IUVENTUS
for soprano saxophone, piano and symphony orchestra (2023), ca 18'Instrumentation: Solo: SSax, Pn 2 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 2Perc — Strings more
Premiere: Katowice, 04.10.2024
Performers: Silesian Philharmony Orchestra, Magdalena and Bartłomiej Duś (sol.), Yaroslav Shemet (dir.)
Order: Composers Commissions NIMAD/Silesian Philharmony
Mémoire de mémoire
for trumpet, trombone and string orchestra (2023), ca 14'Instrumentation: Solo: Tr & Tbn Strings more
Premiere: Amsterdam, 23.10.2024/Breda, 29.10.2024
Performers: Sinfonietta Cracovia, dir. K. Tomala-Jedynak, sol. P. Majoor, A. Gryciuk
Order: Sinfonietta Cracovia, The Netherlands Embassy in Poland
Orchestral Works
for Soprano Saxophone, Piano and Orchestra (2019), ca 18'Instrumentation: solo: SSax Pno, 2 2 2 2 — 3 2 2 0 — 2Perc — Strings more
Premiere: Kielce (Poland). 21.02.2020
Performers: Kielce Philharmony Orchestra, dir. Jacek Rogala, sol. Magdalena Duś, Bartłomiej Duś
Choral Music
for Pan flute and symphony orchestra (2021), ca 10'Instrumentation: solo: Pan Flute 3[1/Picc.2.3] 3 3 3 — 4 3 3 1 — Timp 2Perc Pno — Strings Batt. I: 2 Wood blocks, 2 Bongos, 2 Congas Batt.II: 2 Bass Drums, Campanelli, Xilofono more
Premiere: Katowice, 3.10.2021
Performers: Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra, dir. F. Ollu
Aisthetikos Duo
for soprano saxophone and piano morePremiere: 21 II 2020, Sala koncertowa Filharmonii Świętokrzyskiej, Kielce
Performers: Orkiestra Symfoniczna Filharmonii Świętokrzyskiej Jacek Ro gala (dir.) Bartłomiej Duś (ssf. s.) Magdalena Duś (pfte)
for Soprano Saxophone, Piano and Orchestra (2019), ca 18'Instrumentation: solo: SSax Pno, 2 2 2 2 — 3 2 2 0 — 2Perc — Strings more
Premiere: Kielce (Poland). 21.02.2020
Performers: Kielce Philharmony Orchestra, dir. Jacek Rogala, sol. Magdalena Duś, Bartłomiej Duś
for clarinet (saxophone), piano and orchestra (30.06.2021), ca 15'Instrumentation: Solo: Clarinet[Alto Clarinet], Piano; 2 2 2 2 — 3 2 2 0 — 2Perc — Strings(8 8/5/4/2) more
Premiere: Warsaw, 30.10.2021, W.Lutosławski Polish Radio Concert Studio
Performers: Polish Orchestra Sinfonia Iuventus, George Tchitchinadze (dir.), Roman Widaszek (cl)
Order: Composing Commissions IMIT, Sinfonia IUVENTUS
for soprano saxophone, piano and symphony orchestra (2023), ca 18'Instrumentation: Solo: SSax, Pn 2 2 2 2 — 2 2 2 0 — 2Perc — Strings more
Premiere: Katowice, 04.10.2024
Performers: Silesian Philharmony Orchestra, Magdalena and Bartłomiej Duś (sol.), Yaroslav Shemet (dir.)
Order: Composers Commissions NIMAD/Silesian Philharmony
La scala tutti
for trumpet, trombone and strings (2022), ca 15' morePremiere: Lodz, 18.10.2022
Performers: PRIMUZ Chamber Orchestra, dir .Ł.Błaszczyk, P.Majoor (tr), A.Gryciuk (tbn)
Order: [NIMAD Composers Commissions] PRIMUZ Chamber Orchestra
Mémoire de mémoire
for trumpet, trombone and string orchestra (2023), ca 14'Instrumentation: Solo: Tr & Tbn Strings more
Premiere: Amsterdam, 23.10.2024/Breda, 29.10.2024
Performers: Sinfonietta Cracovia, dir. K. Tomala-Jedynak, sol. P. Majoor, A. Gryciuk
Order: Sinfonietta Cracovia, The Netherlands Embassy in Poland
Copyright © 2013 PWM

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