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Born in Częstochowa in 1968, is a graduate of the Warsaw Academy of Music, where he studied cello under Prof. Andrzej Wróbel (1987-1992) and composition under Prof. Marian Borkowski (1991-1995). In 1996 he took postgraduate Choirmaster Studies at the Bydgoszcz Academy of Music (Prof. Ryszard Zimak). He has participated in a computer music course in Warsaw (1992), in summer courses for composers at Kazimierz Dolny (1992, 1993) and in Krakow with Prof. Bogusław Schaeffer (1993). He has also completed arts administration studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (1994).
He has received many grants and awards, among them, the City of Częstochowa grant (1991-1992) and the President of Częstochowa's Prize for his artistic maturity. He has won prizes at many competitions including first prize at competition for a song about Łomża (1988), distinction at the Sacred Music Competition in Krakow (1988), second prize at the 2nd Young Composers' Forum in Krakow (1994), a distinction at the Tadeusz Baird competition in Warsaw (1994), first prize at the competition for a piece for orchestra organised by the Warsaw Academy of Music (1994), distinction at the Feliks Nowowiejski competition in Warsaw (1996) and second prize at the Adam Didur competition in Sanok (1996). During the gala Fryderyk Awards Ceremony 2013 Paweł Łukaszewski was announced the Artist of the Year.
His pieces have been performed at numerous domestic festivals such as the International Sacred Music Festival "Gaude Mater" in Częstochowa, the Young Composers Forum in Cracow, the "Laboratory of Contemporary Music" in Białystok, the "Jeunesses Musicales" Festival in Kielce, "Music in Old Krakow", "Warsaw Music Encountres", "Legnica Cantat", "Wratislavia Cantans", "Conversatorium" in Legnica, and in France, Germany ("Unerhtemusik" Festival in Berlin), Italy (also in Vatican), Belgium, Monaco and Canada (5th Edmonton New Music Festival).
Paweł Łukaszewski has been President of the "Musica Sacra" Society since 1992, and since 1995 Secretary of the board of the "Laboratory of Contemporary Music". In 1992-93 he has been Secretary of the Young Composers' Circle of the Polish Composers' Union.
His pieces have been recorded by "DUX" and "Polskie Nagrania Edition", and also by Polish Radio, Vatican Radio, Polish TV, TV Reteblu and brodcast by Radio France Musique and RIAS Rundfunk Berlin.
His works was been performed by: Eric Ericson Chamber Choir, Deutsches Kammerorchester Berlin, Concerto Avenna, Camerata Quartet, Strathcona String Quartet, Schola Cantorum Gedanensis, Schola Cantorum Bialostociensis, Polish Radio Choir (Cracow), Polish Radio Orchestra (Warsaw), Choir of the Academy of Catholic Theology (Warsaw) and many others.

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