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by alphabet by cathegories
Works from PWM catalogue
Aphorisms 9
for Chamber Ensemble (1962), ca 5'Instrumentation: 1110-0110-batt (3esec)-archi (
For Chamber Orchestra
for Chamber Orchestra (1963), ca 7'Instrumentation: 2110-2210-batt pf-archi (
For solo and orchestra
Concertino for Piano and Orchestra
(1955), ca 18'Instrumentation: pf solo-3222-4331-batt-archi
Flute Concerto
(1964), ca 10'Instrumentation: fl solo-2000-1210-batt (3esec)-archi
for Piano and Orchestra (1961), ca 11'Instrumentation: pf solo-3221-2220-batt (5esec)-archi
Orchestral Works
Concerto grosso
for Symphony Orchestra (1954), ca 19'Instrumentation: 2222-4330-batt (4esec) pf-archi
for Symphony Orchestra (1958), ca 17'Instrumentation: 3222-4230-batt (5esec) pf-archi
Suite op. 10
for orchestra (1936)Instrumentation: 2222-4231-timp batt (3esec: tmb militare, tam-tam, gr.c., ptti) ar pf-archi more
Symphony No. 4
(1957), ca 27'Instrumentation: 3232-4331-batt (4esec) cel pf-archi
from Suite Op. 10 (1938), ca 5'Instrumentation: 2222-4231-batt (3esec) ar pf-archi
for Mixed Choir and Chamber Orchestra (1959), ca 7'Instrumentation: coro misto-2111-0220-batt (5esec) pf-archi more
Nicolaus Copernicus,
Symphonic Poem for Soprano, 2 Mixed Choirs and Orchestra (1975), ca 12'Instrumentation: S solo-2 cori misti-4443-6441-batt (3esec) org-archi
Soldiers' March
for Mixed Choir, Brass Instruments and Piano (1948), ca 4'Instrumentation: coro misto-0000-4231-pf (ad lib.)
Symphony No. 5
for Mixed Choir, Organ and Orchestra (1968), ca 19'Instrumentation: coro misto-4443-6441-batt (7esec) org-archi
Aphorisms 9
for Chamber Ensemble (1962), ca 5'Instrumentation: 1110-0110-batt (3esec)-archi (
Concertino for Piano and Orchestra
(1955), ca 18'Instrumentation: pf solo-3222-4331-batt-archi
Concerto grosso
for Symphony Orchestra (1954), ca 19'Instrumentation: 2222-4330-batt (4esec) pf-archi
Flute Concerto
(1964), ca 10'Instrumentation: fl solo-2000-1210-batt (3esec)-archi
for Mixed Choir and Chamber Orchestra (1959), ca 7'Instrumentation: coro misto-2111-0220-batt (5esec) pf-archi more
Nicolaus Copernicus,
Symphonic Poem for Soprano, 2 Mixed Choirs and Orchestra (1975), ca 12'Instrumentation: S solo-2 cori misti-4443-6441-batt (3esec) org-archi
for Chamber Orchestra (1963), ca 7'Instrumentation: 2110-2210-batt pf-archi (
Soldiers' March
for Mixed Choir, Brass Instruments and Piano (1948), ca 4'Instrumentation: coro misto-0000-4231-pf (ad lib.)
for Symphony Orchestra (1958), ca 17'Instrumentation: 3222-4230-batt (5esec) pf-archi
Suite op. 10
for orchestra (1936)Instrumentation: 2222-4231-timp batt (3esec: tmb militare, tam-tam, gr.c., ptti) ar pf-archi more
Symphony No. 4
(1957), ca 27'Instrumentation: 3232-4331-batt (4esec) cel pf-archi
Symphony No. 5
for Mixed Choir, Organ and Orchestra (1968), ca 19'Instrumentation: coro misto-4443-6441-batt (7esec) org-archi
from Suite Op. 10 (1938), ca 5'Instrumentation: 2222-4231-batt (3esec) ar pf-archi
for Piano and Orchestra (1961), ca 11'Instrumentation: pf solo-3221-2220-batt (5esec)-archi
Copyright © 2013 PWM

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