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A year in Polish music in sixteen albums – ANAKLASIS celebrates its first birthday
The ANAKLASIS record label, created by PWM just one year ago (on 22 November 2019), already boasts sixteen albums, and it shows no signs of slowing down, with further releases announced.On the 8th Festival of Premieres
“A three-day festival of new music; seven concerts, two installations, nearly fifteen hours of music – only the most recent works. Thirty composers, more than half of whom are associated with PWM Edition – all this has made me happy, and I am leaving Katowice one hundred per cent satisfied,” said Daniel Cichy PhD, Director and Editor-in-Chief of PWM Edition, summing up the 8th Festival of Premieres in Katowice, which came to its close last Sunday.Aleksander Nowak’s new opera to a libretto by Olga Tokarczuk (winner of the Man Booker Prize 2018!)
The Man Booker International Prize, alongside the Pulitzer and the Literary Nobel Prize, is one of the most important distinctions in the world of literature. The thirteen nominated authors included Olga Tokarczuk, for her novel 'Flights'. On 22 May, the winners of this year’s edition were announced: Olga Tokarczuk and the English translator of her novel, Jennifer Croft.The Festival of Seven Trends 19-25 June, Warsaw
The Festival of Seven Trends will take place in Warsaw on 19th-25th June. This festival caps the celebration of the seventieth anniversary of the Association of Polish Composers.World Premiere of "Naninana" by Aleksander Nowak
On 29 May Aleksander Nowak's work "Naninana" (2015) for amplified keyboard instrument and string orchestra arranged in two groups will be first performed in Warsaw, Poland. The composition was written for the official opening of the National Audiovisual Institute' new seat.
Copyright © 2013 PWM

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