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He was born in 1976 in Warsaw. In 1996-2001 he studied composition with professor Marek Stachowski at the Music Academy in Krakow. His post-graduate studies took place with Peter-Jan Wagemans at the Rotterdam Conservatory in 2001-2002. He works as a lecturer in the Department of Composition at the Faculty of Creativity and Interpretation of Music Education at the Music Academy in Krakow. In 2006 he gained his doctorate in fine arts. Since 2007 he is an ordinary member of the Polish Composers’ Union. In the years 2006-2008 he was a member of the Repertoire Commission for the "Warsaw Autumn" International Festival of Contemporary Music.
Major works:
SOLILOKWIUM I – Umysł wrzący (‘Soliloquy I - boiling mind') for chamber ensemble (1999), SOLILOKWIUM II – Pejzaż myśli zamarzłych ('Solioquy II – Landscape of frozen thoughts') for bass clarinet and 20 string instruments (1999), Mille coqs blessés à mort for large chamber ensemble (2000), Concerto for alto saxophone and chamber orchestra (2001, rev. 2003), Symphony No. 1 (2001 - 2002), Toccata holenderska ('Dutch Toccata') for two bass clarinets and two pianos (2002), Ballada I ('Ballade No. 1') for bass clarinet, cello and harp (2002), Meandry – Warstwy – Mechanizmy (‘Meanders - Layers – Mechanisms’) for large chamber ensemble (2002 - 2003) Concerto for bass clarinet and orchestra (2003), Ballada II (‘Ballade No. 2’) for violin, bass clarinet and marimba (2003), Hommage à Tadeusz Kantor for orchestra (2003), Enfant terrible for chamber ensemble (2003 - 2004), Przyjaciele Kaspara Hausera (‘Friends of Kaspar Hauser’) for chamber ensemble (2004), Symphony No. 2 (2004-2005), P.S. for solo harpsichord, also in piano version (2005), Nieuspokojenie (‘Unsettling’) for solo bass clarinet (2005), Kooperatywa (‘Cooperative’) for alto saxophone and accordion (2005), Stale obecna tęsknota (‘Constantly present longing’) for bass clarinet, percussion, piano and violin (2005), Hommage à György Kurtág for violin and bass clarinet (2005 - 2006), Rozedrgranie for two pianos (2006), Poruszenia woli (‘Stirrings of the will’) for orchestra (2005-2006), Poetyka niedo-.../Niedo...-poetyka for harpsichord solo (2007), Kwartet smyczkowy Retoryka niedo-.../ Niedo-...retoryka (‘String Quartet Retoryka niedo-.../ Niedo-...retoryka’) (2007), Różnia for two pianos and percussion (2007-2010), Akt ostarżenia w formie ronda (‘Act of getting old in the form of a rondo’) and List niedokończony..., list odnaleziony... (‘Letter unfinished…, letter found…’) for percussion duet (2008), Kooperatywa II ('Cooperative II') for cello and accordion (2010), Chorągwie ('Flags') for bass flute quintet (2010), Gest i puls ( 'Gesture and Pulse') for violin solo with spatial amplification (2010).

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