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Jerzy Kornowicz – a composer, pianist, lecturer, music culture animator. He studied composition under Tadeusz Baird and Marian Borkowski at the Academy of Music in Warsaw, as well as under Louis Andriessen at the Royal Conservatory of the Hague.
He composes on a commission of the festivals, institutions and performers from Poland and abroad, including BBC Radio, Polish Radio, Polish Radio Experimental Studio, BBC Singers choir, Warsaw Autumn Festival and many others. Kornowicz’s compositions were performed during the Festival of Contemporary Music Warsaw Autumn, BBC Radio Festival, festivals in Middelburg, Cheltenham, Paris, Lille, Bucharest, Minsk, Kiev, Odense, New York and Tokyo.
His works received distinctions at the UNESCO International Rostrum of Composers (Figury w oplocie [‘Interwoven Figures’] in 2000), nomination for the OPUS Public Media Musical Award (Spiętrzenia [‘Build-ups’] in 2008) and were among finalists of the Polonica Nova Award (Wielkie przejście [‘Great Spinning’] for piano and symphony orchestra in 2014).
Jerzy Kornowicz, next to his creative work, conducts wide social and organisational activities. He created an co-created an array of arts events. He was a chair of the Polish Composers’ Union Youth Circle (1988-90) and a member of the council of the Polish Society for Contemporary Music (1989-92 and 2002-07). Over the period 2003-2015 he was a chairman of the Polish Composers’ Union, since 2013 he has been a leader of the Stowarzyszenie Kreatywna Polska (Creative Poland Association), which gathers the Polish creative environment and industry. Kornowicz also took part in establishing the European Composers Forum in Vienna and the European Composer and Songwriter Alliance in Brussels. He was a juror at the composition competitions, including the Witold Lutosławski Competition in Warsaw, Karol Szymanowski Competition in Warsaw, and the Grzegorz Fitelberg Competition in Katowice.

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