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SZYMON GODZIEMBA-TRYTEK was born on 21st February 1988 in Bielsko-Biała. In 2013 he graduated from composition studies of the 2nd grade (diploma with a distinction) under the tutelage of Marian Borkowski as well as theory of music at the Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz. In 2008-2010 he studied composition under the guidance of Marek Jasiński. In the academic year 2009/2010 Godziemba-Trytek was awarded a scholarship within the ERASMUS programme at the Istituto Superiore di Studi Misicali "Achille Peri" in Reggio nell’Emilia (Italy) under the tutelage of Andrea Talmelli. Since 2013 he has been lecturing at the Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz.
Works by Godziemba-Trytek can be found on the programmes of many festivals (International Festival of Contemporary Music "Warsaw Autumn", Gaude Mater, Legnica Cantat, Europäisches Festival für zeitgenössische geistliche Musik, International Choral Festival Missoula, Cork International Choral Festival) as well as concerts in Poland and abroad (Austria, Spain, Ireland, Lithuania, Germany, Russia, the USA, Ukraine, Great Britain and Italy). They were performed by such ensembles as: the Pomeranian Philharmonic, the Szczecin Philharmonic, the Gorzów Philharmonic, the Baltic Neopolis Orchestra, Trinity College Choir (Great Britain), Jauna Muzika Vilnius Municipal Choir (Lithuania), Youth Choir Kamer (Latvia), the Polish Radio Choir, the Polish Chamber Choir Schola Cantorum Gedanensis.
The composer has received many honorary awards for his outstanding artistic accomplishments; he was awarded by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage (2012) and won grants of: the Minister of Science and Higher Education (2012), the Mayor of the City of Bydgoszcz (2013), the Foundation Grazella (2013); he also topped the ranking Rumaki 2013 organised by the Capital Group Makrum SA.
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