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Works from PWM catalogue
Stage Music
(2021), ca 60'
Instrumentation: 2[1/Picc.2/Picc] 2[1/EngHn.2/EngHn] 2 TSax 2 — 4 3 3[1.2.BTrbn] 1 — Timp Perc Harp — Strings
For Chamber Orchestra
Don't Turn Around! 1. Orpheus and Euridice 2. Lot and Lot's Wife
Diptych for 2 flutes and chamber orchestra (2022), ca 19'30 morePremiere: Poznań, 15.01.2023
Performers: Polish Radio Chamber Orchestra AMADEUS, dir. Agnieszka Duczmal, sol. Agata Kielar-Długosz, Łukasz Długosz
Lot and Lot's wife
for 2 flutes and chamber orchestra (a part of diptych "Don't Turn Around") (2022), ca 9'Instrumentation: Orchestra A: 2[Ocarina.Ocarina] 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 — Vib[KbdGlsp] Hpsd — Orchestra B: solo: 2Fl - SSax ASax TSax BarSax 0 0 0 0 — 0 1 0 0 — 2Perc - Strings more
Premiere: Poznań 15.01.2023
Performers: Polish Radio Chamber Orchestra AMADEUS, dir. Agnieszka Duczmal, sol. Agata Kielar-Długosz, Łukasz Długosz
Mediterraneo, addio. Una prova di ricostruzione.
for 2 guitars and chamber orchestra (1986), ca 12'Instrumentation: Solo 1: Gtr Solo 2: Gtr 2 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 — Hpsd — Strings more
Orpheus and Eurydice
for 2 flutes and chamber orchestra (a part of dyptich "Don't Turn Around") (2022), ca 9'Instrumentation: Solo: 2Fl Orchestra A: Hpsd KbdGlsp[Vib] — Strings Orchestra B: SSax ASax TSax BarSax — Cyms[JazzDrKit] more
Premiere: Poznań, 15.01.2023
Performers: Polish Radio Chamber Orchestra AMADEUS, dir. Agnieszka Duczmal, sol. Agata Kielar-Długosz, Łukasz Długosz
Quinteto per archi nr 2 Krzysztof Penderecki in memoriam
version for string orchestra (2023), ca 17'Instrumentation: Strings more
For solo and orchestra
Concerto dell'allodola
per cembalo amplificato e orchestra da camera (2023), ca 16'Instrumentation: solo: Hpsd 4 2 0 1 — 1 0 0 0 — Perc Cel Harp — Strings more
Premiere: Katowice, 22.09.2023
Performers: Silesian Chamber Orchestra, dir. P. Pławner, sol. A. Gajecka-Antosieiwcz
Dedication: H.M.Górecki in memoriam
Order: NIMAD Composers Commissions / Silesian Philharmonic
Don't Turn Around! 1. Orpheus and Euridice 2. Lot and Lot's Wife
Diptych for 2 flutes and chamber orchestra (2022), ca 19'30 morePremiere: Poznań, 15.01.2023
Performers: Polish Radio Chamber Orchestra AMADEUS, dir. Agnieszka Duczmal, sol. Agata Kielar-Długosz, Łukasz Długosz
per oboe ed archi con una sega (1983-84), ca 10Instrumentation: solo:Oboe Musical Saw, Strings(4 4 4 4/3 3/2 2/4)
Mediterraneo, addio. Una prova di ricostruzione.
for 2 guitars and chamber orchestra (1986), ca 12'Instrumentation: Solo 1: Gtr Solo 2: Gtr 2 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 — Hpsd — Strings more
Orchestral Works
Il tempo passa. Passacaglia
for large symphony orchestra (2020), ca 8'Instrumentation: 4[Picc/Ocarina.Picc/Ocarina.3/Ocarina.4/Ocarina] 3[1/Ocarina.2/Ocarina.EngHn/Ocarina] 3[1/Ocarina.2.BCl/Eb-Cl/Ocarina] 3[1/Ocarina.2/Ocarina.CBsn/Ocarina] — 4 3 3 1 — Timp 5Perc Cel 2Harp — Strings more
Prélude et Grande Fugue "La Catastrophe"
for large symphony orchestra, boy soprano and harp (2019), ca 9'Instrumentation: 5[Picc.Picc.3.4.AFl] 3[1.2.EngHn] 3[1.2.BCl] 3[1.2.CBsn] — 4 3 3[1.2.BTrbn] 1 — Timp 5Perc Cel[Hpsd] 2Harp — Strings more
Premiere: Katowice, 29.03.2019 (Fetsival of Premieres)
Performers: Polish Radio National Symphony Orchestra, dir. J. Florencio, sol. I.Czubek-Davidson (ar), K. Martos-Sanchez (boy sopr.)
Seven Deadly Sins
the tragicomic suite for large symphony orchestra (2024), ca 21'Instrumentation: 4[Picc.Picc.3.4] 3[1.2.EngHn] 3[1.2.BCl] 3[1.2.CBsn] — 4 3 3 1 — Timp Perc — Strings more
Premiere: Kielce, 16.02.2024
Performers: Kielce Philharmony Orchestra, dir. Jacek Rogala
Order: NIMAD Composers Commissions/Kielce Philharmony
(2021), ca 60'
Instrumentation: 2[1/Picc.2/Picc] 2[1/EngHn.2/EngHn] 2 TSax 2 — 4 3 3[1.2.BTrbn] 1 — Timp Perc Harp — Strings
Listen to, Nero!
for alto and large symphony orchestra (20.02.2020), ca 9'Instrumentation: 4[Picc.Picc.3.4/AFl] 3[1.2.EngHn] 3[1.2.BCl] 3[1.2.CBsn] — 4 3 3[1.2.BTrbn] 1 — Timp 8Perc 2Harp — Strings
for choir and 6 instruments (2011), ca 10'Instrumentation: choir (SATB) Ob — Hn — Hpsd Harp — Vln DB
Choral Music
Concerto dell'allodola
per cembalo amplificato e orchestra da camera (2023), ca 16'Instrumentation: solo: Hpsd 4 2 0 1 — 1 0 0 0 — Perc Cel Harp — Strings more
Premiere: Katowice, 22.09.2023
Performers: Silesian Chamber Orchestra, dir. P. Pławner, sol. A. Gajecka-Antosieiwcz
Dedication: H.M.Górecki in memoriam
Order: NIMAD Composers Commissions / Silesian Philharmonic
Don't Turn Around! 1. Orpheus and Euridice 2. Lot and Lot's Wife
Diptych for 2 flutes and chamber orchestra (2022), ca 19'30 morePremiere: Poznań, 15.01.2023
Performers: Polish Radio Chamber Orchestra AMADEUS, dir. Agnieszka Duczmal, sol. Agata Kielar-Długosz, Łukasz Długosz
Il tempo passa. Passacaglia
for large symphony orchestra (2020), ca 8'Instrumentation: 4[Picc/Ocarina.Picc/Ocarina.3/Ocarina.4/Ocarina] 3[1/Ocarina.2/Ocarina.EngHn/Ocarina] 3[1/Ocarina.2.BCl/Eb-Cl/Ocarina] 3[1/Ocarina.2/Ocarina.CBsn/Ocarina] — 4 3 3 1 — Timp 5Perc Cel 2Harp — Strings more
per oboe ed archi con una sega (1983-84), ca 10Instrumentation: solo:Oboe Musical Saw, Strings(4 4 4 4/3 3/2 2/4)
Listen to, Nero!
for alto and large symphony orchestra (20.02.2020), ca 9'Instrumentation: 4[Picc.Picc.3.4/AFl] 3[1.2.EngHn] 3[1.2.BCl] 3[1.2.CBsn] — 4 3 3[1.2.BTrbn] 1 — Timp 8Perc 2Harp — Strings
Lot and Lot's wife
for 2 flutes and chamber orchestra (a part of diptych "Don't Turn Around") (2022), ca 9'Instrumentation: Orchestra A: 2[Ocarina.Ocarina] 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 — Vib[KbdGlsp] Hpsd — Orchestra B: solo: 2Fl - SSax ASax TSax BarSax 0 0 0 0 — 0 1 0 0 — 2Perc - Strings more
Premiere: Poznań 15.01.2023
Performers: Polish Radio Chamber Orchestra AMADEUS, dir. Agnieszka Duczmal, sol. Agata Kielar-Długosz, Łukasz Długosz
Mediterraneo, addio. Una prova di ricostruzione.
for 2 guitars and chamber orchestra (1986), ca 12'Instrumentation: Solo 1: Gtr Solo 2: Gtr 2 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 — Hpsd — Strings more
Orpheus and Eurydice
for 2 flutes and chamber orchestra (a part of dyptich "Don't Turn Around") (2022), ca 9'Instrumentation: Solo: 2Fl Orchestra A: Hpsd KbdGlsp[Vib] — Strings Orchestra B: SSax ASax TSax BarSax — Cyms[JazzDrKit] more
Premiere: Poznań, 15.01.2023
Performers: Polish Radio Chamber Orchestra AMADEUS, dir. Agnieszka Duczmal, sol. Agata Kielar-Długosz, Łukasz Długosz
for choir and 6 instruments (2011), ca 10'Instrumentation: choir (SATB) Ob — Hn — Hpsd Harp — Vln DB
Prélude et Grande Fugue "La Catastrophe"
for large symphony orchestra, boy soprano and harp (2019), ca 9'Instrumentation: 5[Picc.Picc.3.4.AFl] 3[1.2.EngHn] 3[1.2.BCl] 3[1.2.CBsn] — 4 3 3[1.2.BTrbn] 1 — Timp 5Perc Cel[Hpsd] 2Harp — Strings more
Premiere: Katowice, 29.03.2019 (Fetsival of Premieres)
Performers: Polish Radio National Symphony Orchestra, dir. J. Florencio, sol. I.Czubek-Davidson (ar), K. Martos-Sanchez (boy sopr.)
Quinteto per archi nr 2 Krzysztof Penderecki in memoriam
version for string orchestra (2023), ca 17'Instrumentation: Strings more
Seven Deadly Sins
the tragicomic suite for large symphony orchestra (2024), ca 21'Instrumentation: 4[Picc.Picc.3.4] 3[1.2.EngHn] 3[1.2.BCl] 3[1.2.CBsn] — 4 3 3 1 — Timp Perc — Strings more
Premiere: Kielce, 16.02.2024
Performers: Kielce Philharmony Orchestra, dir. Jacek Rogala
Order: NIMAD Composers Commissions/Kielce Philharmony
(2021), ca 60'
Instrumentation: 2[1/Picc.2/Picc] 2[1/EngHn.2/EngHn] 2 TSax 2 — 4 3 3[1.2.BTrbn] 1 — Timp Perc Harp — Strings
Copyright © 2013 PWM

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