Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
biuletyn informacji publicznej


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Paweł Malinowski

Paweł Malinowski


by alphabet by cathegories

Works from PWM catalogue

Electronic Music

through the youth of these things

for ensemble, electronics and objects (2021/2022), ca 25'
Instrumentation: 1[AFl] 1 1[BCl] 1 — 1 1 1 0 — 2Perc Sampler[Synth] Harp — 2Vln Vla Vlc DB

For Chamber Orchestra

through the youth of these things

for ensemble, electronics and objects (2021/2022), ca 25'
Instrumentation: 1[AFl] 1 1[BCl] 1 — 1 1 1 0 — 2Perc Sampler[Synth] Harp — 2Vln Vla Vlc DB

through the youth of these things

for ensemble, electronics and objects (2021/2022), ca 25'
Instrumentation: 1[AFl] 1 1[BCl] 1 — 1 1 1 0 — 2Perc Sampler[Synth] Harp — 2Vln Vla Vlc DB